I wonder what/ who… I really want to know…
I’m curious to…I’d love to know…
I wonder if/whether… What I’d really like to find out is… I’m curious about… I’d like to know more about…
3.学习一些与考古有关单词、短语和句式,如:archaeology及其派生词,curiosity, bronze, dynasty,
decoration, artifact, unearth, spear, pot等。
1.认知策略:通过-ology, -ological, -ologist等词根的学习,掌握archaeology, archaeologist, archae- ological等词,同时掌握同类词的学习方法。
(一) 导入(Lead-in)
活动方式:师生互动。教师盯着天花板的一处看30秒钟。引起全班同学一起去看。然后问:What do you see?
学生自然会回答:Nothing.然后再问Do you know what I was looking at? 学生自然会回答:No, I
don’t. 然后告诉学生老师根本没有看什么,只是做一个动作而已。再问Why did you look at there after
me?学生答不上。老师告诉学生That is because of curiosity.再问What is the word curiosity from?
Archaeology(板书课题)并指出This is a new word for you. You may want to know it.老师再问Do you think it is a course or a science?部分学生会答Yes.接着问Why do you think it is a science?学生会说出他们学过以-ology结尾的词。这时便可以打出幻灯片,再进行以下活动:
2.组织学生推出technological, technologist;
最后指出今天所学内容是Archaeology.再问What are the goals in learning the unit?
(三)预备(Warming up)
did they eat? Where did they live? What did their homes look like?
What kind of tools did they use? What objects have we found from
their age? What kind of entertainment did they have?
教育心理学指出新知识的学习需要一个接受的过程。本课时的主要任务为本单元的学习做好预备工作。所以要用较多的时间让学生接受考古这一新的概念。 导入部分用8分钟;
(一)教材内容分析 本单元的中心话题是“肢体语言”,介绍了肢体语言在世界范围内的人们生活中所承担的不同角色及所起的重要作用,其中重点介绍了肢体语言在不同的文化背景下的不同含义及世界通用的肢体语言。本单元的绝大部分内容都围绕这一中心话题展开的。
“热身”(Warming up)部分以五幅不同的面部表情导出本单元的话题之一:面部表情是传递某人内心情感的一种方式,使他们能在平时注意自己在与他人交往中注意自身的面部表情。
“阅读”(Reading)部分是一篇说明文,它介绍了We use both words and body language to express our thoughts and opinions and to communicate with other people./We can learn a lot about what a person is thinking by watching his or her body language。全文可分为三大部分,各部分的意思是:Part 1 (Para 1): We use both words and body language to express our thoughts and opinions and to communicate with other people. Part 2 (Para 2-3): Just like spoken language, body language varies from culture to culture. Part 3 (Para 4-5): Some gestures seem to be universal.
“语言学习”(Language study)包括以下两部分:词汇部分设计了两块内容:1)要求学生运用自己的六个身体部位进行交际,鼓励学生学着使用动词-ing形式;2)设计了6个生词与英语解释的配对练习,旨在培养学生用英语解释生词的习惯及能力;语法项目是有关动词-ing形式作名词使用及其在句子中的功用,具体包括四个步骤:1)学会区分动词-ing形式在句中的所担任的成分功能;2)联词成句,旨在帮助学生理解动词-ing形式在句中充当主语;3)词组翻译练习,旨在帮助学生理解动词-ing形式在句中充当定语及翻译;4)按要求用动词-ing形式进行句子改写,旨在帮助学生理解动词-ing形式在句中充当宾语或表语。
“综合技能”(Integrating skills)设计了一个开放性的写作任务,要求学生运用6幅看起来毫不相干的图画进行写作,该任务有利于提高学生的创新思维能力。
I. 动词-ing形式在句子充当主语、宾语、表语或定语
II. 交际功能句型: 如何提议和请求及其答语的句型
III. 重点、难点词汇词组
confused, avoid, go ahead, crazy, get through, tear down, occur
IV. 常用句型
Just like spoken language, body language varies from culture to culture.
There is nothing better than sth./doing sth./to do sth.
Body Talk (P59-P. 60)
1. Read the text “Body Talk” and then complete notes about body language.
1) Generally, we can divide the whole text into three parts:
Part 1 (Para 1): We use both words and body language to express our thoughts and opinions and to communicate with other people.
Part 2 (Para 2-3): Just like spoken language, body language varies from culture to culture.
Part 3 (Para 4-5): Some gestures seem to be universal.
2) Fill in the table about gestures, countries and their meanings in these countries. (Words in italics can be blank.)
eye contact some countries a way to show that one is interested
other countries rude or disrespectful
a circle with one’s thumb and index finger most countries OK
Japan money
France zero
Brazil rude
thumbs up the US great or good job
Nigeria rude
Germany the number one
moving the index finger in a circle in front of the ear some countries crazy
Brazil You have a phone call.
Retell the text using about 100 words.
1. Try to use the –ing form to retell the text.
2. Make use of the notes and table above while retelling.
3. The possible version below can be used as material for both retelling and dictation.
One possible version:
We can communicate with other people by watching his body language besides words. Just like spoken language, body language varies from culture to culture. Take the gesture for OK as an example. The gesture means money in Japan and in France it means zero, while in Brazil and Germany doing so is rude. People in different countries show the same idea in different ways. For example, in many countries, shaking one’s head means “no”, and nodding means “yes”. However, in Bulgaria, parts of Greece, and Iran, the gestures have the opposite meaning. Although there are many different interpretations of our body language, some gestures seem to be universal. Perhaps the smile is the best example. A smile can help us well communicate with others.
? Do in Rome as Rome does [as the Romans do].
[谚]入国问禁, 入乡随俗。
? Manners make the man.
? Good manners are the art of making those people easy with whom we converse. ---Jonathan Swift
Raising the topic: communicating in body language (Paragraph 1) ? Interpretations of body language in different countries (Paragraphs 2-3) ? Universal body language (Paragraphs 4-5)
课文以教人们认识最基本的肢体语言“Body Talk”为目的',以简洁的文字、直接的表达、丰富的实例,向人们展示了无声的肢体语言在不同的文化背景下的不同意思,并告诫人们在交往中要注意一些肢体语言的应运,同时,也向读者介绍了一些世界通用的肢体语言,最后,文章着重介绍了微笑的重要功用。
There is nothing better than sth./doing sth./to do sth. 没有比做某事更好的了。
原句:And if we are feeling down or lonely, there is nothing better than to see the smiling face of a good friend.
e.g. There is nothing better than serving/to serve this great nation of ours.
There is nothing better than the encouragement of a good friend.
Warming up Listening (WB)
Period 1 Period 2
Listening Speaking
Pre-reading Language study
Periods 3-4 Reading Period 5
Post-reading Grammar
Period 6
Teaching Procedure:
Period 1 Warming up & Listening
Step 1 Warming up
1. Brainstorm: the words of emotions/feelings of human beings
As we know, sorrow and happiness make a life. We, human beings, have all kinds of emotions. Let’s brainstorm emotions we’ve learned so far.
happy, sad, angry, confused, tired, puzzled, hateful, excited, frightened, embarrassed, depressed, uneasy, thrilled, easy, confident, delighted, kind, curious, etc.
2. Now let’s look at pictures with different emotions and match each picture with the correct emotion and the correct sentence. Meanwhile, ask students what makes he/she thinks that the person in the picture is feeling a certain way.
Possible answers:
Picture 1: Confused; I don’t know what to do.
Picture 2: Angry; I can’t believe she said that! That is so unfair!
Picture 3: Sad; I’ve lost my wallet!
Picture 4: Happy; I got an A in my exam!
Picture 5: Tired; It’s been a long day. I can’t keep my eyes open.
3. From one’s facial expression, we can know how he/she is feeling. Besides, we can know how he/she is feeling from his/her gesture, that is to say, the way he/she stands or sits can also tell us how he/she is feeling. Now look at your classmates and tell how they are feeling today by the way they sit or stand.
Step 2 Listening
1. Pre-listening
Just now we see we can learn how one is feeling from both his/her facial expressions and gestures. Look at me. Can you guess what these gestures mean?
1) shake the head
2) wave the arms
3) stand with arms folded
4) … …
(Students may not guess all the meanings of these gestures, and then teachers can say “Let’s listen to two short passages and find out what one’s body movements/gestures can tell us.”)
2. Listening
1) Listen to Part 1 for the first time and get the students to do the first question of Part 1.
2) Listen to Part 1 again and do the rest two questions of Part 1.
3) Listen to Part 2 and do questions of Part 2. If students can’t follow it, listen again.
3. Post-listening
Based on what you heard just now and your own experience, discuss with your partner: How can you use your body language to communicate the following ideas?
1. Make a list of facial expressions and gestures and their meanings we’ve learned today.
2. Preview the following lesson.
Period 2 Listening (WB) & Speaking
Step 1 Listening
Do the listening practice in the workbook step by step. If the material is too difficult, teachers can give students some difficult sentences first or even give the listening material to students after they listen to the tape twice.
Step 2 Pre-speaking
Make some requests and ask/help students to answer and make offers, for example:
T: Could you give me a hand?
S: Yes, of course. What can I do for you?
T: Could you please clean the blackboard for me?
S: With pleasure.
T: That’s very nice of you.
(Teachers can also ask students to open/close the window, turn on the projector and so on.)
Step 3 Speaking
1. Language Input
Just now I asked some students to help me clean the blackboard (open/close the window, turn on the projector and so on.). In fact we’re practicing making requests, offers and responses. Now let’s look at some useful expressions on page 58.
Useful expressions of making offers and requests
Can/Shall I help you with that?
Would you like me to …?
No, thank you. Thanks for all your help.
Could you please …?
Would you like some help?
Could you give me a hand with this? No, thanks. I can manage it myself.
Is there anything else I can do for you?
Could you help me with …?
That’s very nice of you.
Do you need some help with that?
Is there anything else I can do for you? = What else can I do for you?
We use these two sentences offer help again when we’ve already offered help.
2. Practice
Now use these expressions and follow the example to make up some dialogues in the following situations in pairs.
Then get some pairs to act out the dialogues in front of the class.
Step 4 Useful Expressions --- Making offers/requests and responses
In our everyday life, we quite often meet difficulties and have to ask our friends or relatives for help. Of course, sometimes we’ll offer to help others. And in English there're several ways of making offers/requests and responses. Please look at the screen.
Ways of making offers or requests Ways of replying to others' offers or requests
Acceptance Refuse
1.Can/Could/Shall I help you?
2.Would you like me to …?
3.Is there anything (else) I can do for you?
4.Do you want me to …?
5. What (else) can I do for you?
6. Let me do/carry/help … (for you)?
7. Would you like some …?
8. Do you need some help with …? 1. Thanks. That would be nice/fine.
2. That’s very kind of you.
3. Thank you for your help.
4. Yes, please.
5. Here, take this/my… 1. No, thanks/thank you. I can manage it myself.
2. Thank you all the same.
3. That’s very kind of you, but….
1. Could you please …?
2. Could you give me a hand with …?
3. Could you help me with …? 1. With pleasure.
2. Yes, of course. 1. I’m sorry, but …
2. I’d like to …, but ….
Step 5 Making up dialogues
Just now we have got through several ways of making offers/requests and responses. Let’s use these sentence structures to make up some dialogues. (Get the students to work in pairs and offer to do the following things for each other.)
help you with homework
help you with cooking a meal
show you how to use the typewriter go and buy some medicine
do the shopping
show you to the dining room
A: Would you like some help?
B: Yes, please.
A: Shall I show you how to use this electric typewriter?
B: Thanks. I haven’t used this one before.
A: Would you like me to type your composition for you?
B: No, thanks. I can manage it myself.
Step 6 Post-speaking
If time permits, get students to finish the task of talking in the workbook.
Prepare the task of talking in the workbook.
Preview the following lesson: Body talk.
Periods 3-4 Reading
Step 1 Revision
Check the homework of making up a dialogue in the workbook.
Go over the ways of making offers/requests and responses.
Step 2 Pre-reading
In the first period of this unit, we’ve learned that we can use our facial expressions and gestures to express ourselves or tell what someone is thinking or feeling by looking at their facial expressions and gestures.
1. Who can tell us some ways of telling what one is thinking or feeling?
2. Do people from different parts of the world use different body language? What about people who live in different parts of China?
3. How do you communicate the following with body language?
Thank you! No. Yes. I don’t know. Come here!
Step 3 Reading
1. Scanning
Ask students to read the text quickly and find out the main idea/key sentence of each paragraph in pairs.
Para 1: We use both words and body language to express our thoughts and opinions and to communicate with other people.
Para 2: Just like spoken language, body language varies from culture to culture.
(The same gesture has different meanings in different countries.)
Para 3: People in different countries show the same idea in different ways.
Para 4: Some gestures seem to be universal.
Para 5: Perhaps the best example of universally understood body language is the smile.
*Teachers can also ask students how many parts we can divide the whole text into and what the main idea of each part is.
Part 1 (Para 1): We use both words and body language to express our thoughts and opinions and to communicate with other people.
Part 2 (Para 2-3): Just like spoken language, body language varies from culture to culture.
Part 3 (Para 4-5): Some gestures seem to be universal.
2. Reading
This part is designed to help students to get more detailed information of the text.
1) Read the second part (Para 2-3) more carefully and then fill in the table, using a projector to show the table. (Words in italics can be blank.)
eye contact some countries a way to show that one is interested
other countries rude or disrespectful
a circle with one’s thumb and index finger most countries OK
Japan Money
France Zero
Brazil Rude
thumbs up the US great or good job
Nigeria rude
Germany The number one
moving the index finger in a circle in front of the ear some countries crazy
Brazil You have a phone call.
2) Read the last part (Para 4-5) again and then try to answer some questions:
1. How can we communicate “I am tired” with the body language? And please act it out?
2. What does “rubbing one’s stomach” mean?
3. Why do we say “ the smile is a universally understood body language”?
3. Reading aloud
Listen to the tape of the text and make marks where they don’t understand.
4. Some language points
Discuss something that students don’t understand.
Possible notes:
Step 4 Post-reading
Get the students to discuss the following questions in pairs or groups of four. Then get one of them to report their results of their discussion to the whole class.
1. What are some situations where we need to be very careful about our body language and gestures?
2. How is body language different from spoken language? What do they have in common?
3. Sometimes we say one thing but our body language says something different. Why does this happen? Can you think of any examples?
4. Work together in pairs or groups. Complete the chart below.
Step 5 Discussion/Assessment
If you go for a job interview, you should be well prepared for what to say and how to answer the interviewer’s possible questions. Besides, what you can do or act during the interview is also very important. In the first three periods of this unit we have learned something about body language. Now suppose you are going for an interview, what shall you pay special attention to?
1. Preview the following lesson.
2. Retell the text.
Period 5 Language study & Grammar
Step 1 Revision
Get some students to retell the text.
Step 2 Language study
1. Do Exercise 2 on page 61 first, matching the following words about body movements with correct definition.
2. Go through the instruction of Exercise 1 on page 61 and make sure that students know what to do and then get students to discuss these words in groups of four.
Then invite some students to tell and act out these gestures.
Step 3 Grammar
The –ing form (2): used as a noun
1. Language input
Just now we’ve made clear how these parts of our body can be used to “talk” to someone. For example, shaking your fist at someone is a way of saying that you are very angry. (Copy this sentence on the blackboard.) Now please look at the sentence. Do you know what the –ing form “shaking” and “saying” here are used as? They are used as nouns. As we know, as a noun, usually it can be the subject, object or predicative in a sentence. Who can tell me what “shaking” and “saying” play in the sentence? (shaking --- subject; saying --- object)
Then go through the three sentences in the students’ books.
Subject In many countries, shaking one’s head means “no” and nodding means “yes”.
Object We can learn a lot about what a person is thinking by watching his or her body language.
Predicative A good way of saying “I am full” is rubbing the stomach after a meal.
Attributive The price of building materials has gone up again.
2. Practice
Find the –ing form in the text “Body Talk” and analyze their functions in the sentences.
3. Drills
Do Exx. 1-3 on page 61-62 one by one.
1) The –ing form in this exercise is used as Subject.
2) The –ing form in this exercise is used as Attributive.
3) The –ing form in this exercise is used as Object/Predicative.
4. Consolidation
Get the students to make out a list of verbs or verb phrases which can be followed by the –ing form or only by the –ing form.
只能用动名词作宾语的动词和词组:advise, allow, resist, admit, escape, dislike, risk, avoid, forgive, suggest, consider, imagine, understand, delay, mind, appreciate, enjoy, keep, can’t help doing sth., excuse, miss, put off, finish, practise, give up, deny, prevent, v. + prep.词组, etc.
动名词和不定式均可作宾语的动词:continue, begin, prefer, like, hate, learn, remember, forget, regret, try, mean, etc.
(This part can also be left as homework.)
Make out a list of verbs or verb phrases which can be followed by the –ing form or only by the –ing form.
Period 6 Reading & Writing
Step 1 Warming up
The material given in the students’ book is quite difficult. Teachers can first provide students something easy to help students make sure what they should do in this part (integrating skills).
Look at the following three pictures on the screen. They are in disorder. So please put these pictures in order first, and then say something about each picture. At last, use these pictures to create a story.
Possible order: 1, 3, 2
Possible version:
One day, an old man in rags stood at a street corner, playing the violin to passers-by. He put a cap on the ground in front of him, so that people who liked the music could drop coins into it. Just then, a well-dressed gentleman came over to him. The old man felt very happy when he saw the gentleman put his hand into his pocket. But to the old man’s disappointment, the gentleman took out a flute instead of some money and began playing the flute together with him.
Step 2 Pre-writing
Just now we’ve described three pictures and created a story. Do you know how to write a story? Let’s get some tips for writing a story. Turn to page 63.
Step 3 While-writing
Work in groups. Look at the six pictures on page 62. Your task is to use the pictures to create a story. You must use all of the pictures in only one story. Then do as follows.
1 Put the pictures in order based on your story. There is no correct answer to this question, so you must make up your own story. When you have created the story, make sure that all group members know the story.
2 Now you will act out the story. There are several rules. First of all, each member will have to act at least one part, and you must act out all the pictures in your story. Second, you CANNOT speak when you act out your story. You can only use body language to act out the story. You may make sounds or noises, but you may not say any words.
3 Act out the story in front of the class. Remember that you may not speak. The other groups will watch you and try to guess the story. The other groups may not say anything when you are acting out your story, but when you have finished they will try to retell your story. You will also watch the other groups and try to guess their stories.
Step 5 Post-writing
1 Write a story based on the stories you and your classmates have acted out. You may use your own story or that of another group.
2 When students have finished writing, let students check the story with each other. If possible, choose some students’ stories and correct them together with the whole class, using a projector.
Write your story in your exercise books.
Interview techniques/Body signals
大家下午好,我今天的说课内容是人教版高中英语新课标必修一第一单元Friendship 中的阅读课Anne`s best friend 。接下来我将从教材分析,学情分析,教学目标,重难点,教法和学法、教学过程以及板书设计这几个方面来谈一谈我对这一课时的设计和教学。
1) 我们从阅读材料的题目中可以了解到其主要话题是“友谊”。然而这份友谊是特殊的,因为她不仅是人和日记之间的友谊,而且发生在一个重要的时代背景即二战之下。所以,在教学过程中,我会适当添加该背景知识,帮助学生更好的理解。
2) 该阅读材料比较于之前初中的阅读材料篇幅要长很多,所以我会把该篇章分成两部分。第一部分是Anne与Kitty(日记名称)之间友谊的叙述,第二部分是Anne写给Kitty的一封信。虽然该阅读材料中出现了较多的新词汇和短语,但因为话题是大家熟悉的,所以根据上下文推断词义并不难。
3) 这是高一的第一单元,学生都来自不同的地方,在新的环境中需要处理新的人际关系,建立新的友谊,所以学习友谊话题的短文是很有意义的。
4) 学生们已经积累了相当数量的词汇和掌握了基本句型结构,所以对他们来说要理解本短文并不困难。但是由于大家都还不熟悉,不敢于表达,所以我会营造一个相对轻松的语言环境,鼓励学生积极参与,交流与合作,主动地用英语来表达自己的想法和观点。
1) 语言技能目标:这是一节以阅读课,所以最主要是对阅读能力的培养。通过快速阅读,学生能迅速准确地找到问题的答案,通过仔细阅读,学生能找出关键词并对段落进行初步的分析。这是本堂教学的重点也是难点,因为找出关键词的阅读训练在初中英语阶段训练不多,但对提高学生的阅读理解能力很有帮助。同时,学生也会就友谊话题展开相关的讨论,所以他们的英语口头表达能力也会得到锻炼和提高。
2) 语言知识目标:通过本堂课的学习,学生们将会掌握和使用新的词汇和短语,如go through; outdoors, on purpose等;正如以上教材分析所提到的,本阅读篇章的第二部分是一封信,所以,学生将会区别中文信和英语信格式的区别,并准确掌握英文信的写信格式。该语言知识项目是本教学的重点,但对我的学生来说不是难点。
3) 情感目标:通过该阅读课的学习和话题的讨论,学生们能认识朋友的重要性,并且知道该如何赢得真正的友谊,所以更要珍惜在课堂上的讨论合作,交流的机会;其次该故事发生在战争年代,学生们通过阅读能了解Anne对自然的渴望,同时也能珍惜如今的和平生活,热爱大自然。
4) 文化意识:学生们将会了解更多的关于第二次世界大战的历史,通过学习该背景知识,学生们将会意识到我们应该尊重其他民族的历史和文化,和平共处,创建一个和谐的世界。
5) 学习策略目标:学生们能收集更多的关于二战和Anne日记的信息并相互交流,在交流中进一步明白朋友和友谊。
1. 导入(8分钟)
活动一:首先我通过照片来介绍我的朋友和我们经常会在一起干什么,她教师本身的生活哦经验开发为教学资源,从而在轻松的环境下诱导学生介绍他们自己的朋友以及朋友生活。 “朋友”这熟悉而感性的话题不仅和本文的阅读密切相关而且也提高了学生学习的兴趣
播放电影片段“cave life’’.欣赏影片之前我会提出一下几个问题”who was the man`s friends?”;”why would he make friend with it?”因为该影片主要是介绍男主人公和一只足球之间的友谊,不禁和本文如出一辙,通过生动形象的影片欣赏不仅提高引起了学生的兴趣而且通过观察了解主人公的心理为阅读和理解该文章做好准备。
步骤一 预测(2分钟):猜测who was the friend of Anne?通过猜测不仅可以激发他们阅读的兴趣而且也提高了下面阅读的`效率。
步骤二 快速阅读(5分钟),检验他们之前的猜测是否正确。并回答判断题,帮助他们大概了解本文,并关注一些细节
步骤三 仔细阅读(18分钟)
1) 阅读第一段,回答” why Anne made friends with a diary” ,然后讨论为什么我们需要朋友,使学生意识到朋友的重要性,但同时也要谨慎交友。
2) 阅读第二段回答” why have Anne to hide, how long had she hide”, 因为该问题的答案会涉及二战,所以我会替提供更多关以二战的历史背景帮助了解主人公的心理和处境。同时也意识到为了不再让战争的历重演,我们必须热爱和平,相互尊各自的文化,构建和谐和平的世界。
3) 该篇阅读的第三部分是一封Anne 写给她朋友Kitty的信。所以同学们要了解英语的写信格式和中文的不同之处。然后阅读这封信,找出一个关键单词,那就是“nature”。作者采用了对比的手法,在躲藏之前,作者描绘了一幅美丽的自然风景图,学生需要找出作者是如何描写这种自然美,但可惜Anne并没注意到这种美,在战争爆发之后,躲藏的黑暗的日子里,自然风景有事如何,作者又是如何描写进行对比,她又是通过怎样的例子来描写自己对这种自然美,和平生活的渴望。所以同学们要珍惜现在的和平美好的自由生活,多多留意我们周围的世界,好好享受神奇美丽的自然风光。
4) 经过以上的讲解和铺垫,同学们就会教容易地找出这封信的中心句就是最后一段中的” nature is one thing that really must be experience”.
假如你是kitty ,写一封给Anne 的信,来鼓励她,帮助她走出那段黑暗的日子。
Unit1 friendship(reading)
Anne`s best friend
Go through
German par1: Anne made friends with a diary
Se down a series of par2: hide : German
Before hiding Nature is one thing
Letter: nature: that really must be
Dear xx:
During hiding experienced
高中的语法教学不仅是必要的,而且是打基础的最重要的阶段。但是语法教学不是目的,而是为了掌握和应用语言服务的,即 “Learning by doing”。这堂语法课遵循二语习得的理论和中国学生的语言认知规律,变传统的接受式教学法为“发现-体验-探究-合作”式教学法,即以4P语法教学 (preparation, presentation, practice, production)组织课堂,主张课堂教学应该指导学生在充分体验语言材料的基础上,即充分的语言信息输入的基础上,归纳有关语言知识和语言技能。在设计思路上充分考虑到学生的生活经验和兴趣,为学生精心设置各种情景,通过一系列的任务活动,达到有效的语言输出,即语法应用能力的培养。
1.认知学习理论: 布鲁纳在认知发现说中强调指出学习过程是一种积极的认知过程。他认为学习的实质在于主动地形成认知结构。他非常重视人的主动性和己有经验的作用,重视学习的内在动机与发展学生的思维,提倡知识的发现学习。他说:"发现不限于那种寻求人类尚未知晓的事物之行为,正确地说,发现包括着用自己的头脑亲自获得知识的一切形式或方法。"他认为发现学习具有以下一些优点:(1)有利于激发学生的潜力;(2)有利于加强学生的内在学习动机;(3)有助于学生学会学习; (4)有利于知识的保持与提取。
2.语言习得理论:美国语言学家克拉申(S. D. Krashen)在二十世纪七十年代提出了“语言习得”理论。该理论认为,人们掌握某一种语言所通过的方式主要有两种:一种是习得 (acquisition),另外一种是学习(learning)。所谓“习得”是指学习者通过与外界的交际实践,无意识地吸收到该种语言,并在无意识的情况下,流利、正确地使用该语言。在英语课堂教学中,笔者认为应通过学生之间和师生之间的交流获得思维的碰撞,在这种潜移默化的语言习得中促进学生英语的学习。而“学习”是指有意识地研究且以理智的方式来理解某种语言(一般指母语之外的第二语言)的过程。学生只有在大量接触和使用真实、自然的语言中,才能养成运用英语的能力
2.本课学习的内容是NSEC Module2 Unit3 Computer的Learning about language 中的一个课时。考虑到教学内容较多,既包含新词汇的学习和巩固,副词的运用,又包含语法的讲解,一节课很难落实教学目标;从学生的实际情况看,现在完成时的被动语态虽然在初中曾经出现,但不做要求,所以学生掌握的情况不好。基于这两点考虑,笔者对教材进行重组,把Learning about language中的语法课单独作为一个课时,以加强学生的理解和应用。
著名语言学家Littlewood 曾经说过:“语言能力是具备交际能力的首要条件。因为一连串不合语法的句子很难达到交际的目的。好的交际能力必须要有扎实的语言知识作基础”。因此本课语法教学将对掌握好这一模块语言知识及交际活动的顺利进行,都起着支持的作用。
Step 1 Preparation(发现准备阶段)
Review the text and discover the structure
(Before class, let Ss enjoy some pictures about specially-designed computer)
T: we learned “Who am I” yesterday. Now, I’d like you to make an interview with your partner. One is the reporter, and the other is Mr. / Miss Computer.
These words may help you.
1. make, size 2. since then, communicate with 3. since my birth
Write some key sentences on the blackboard:
(1) As the years have gone by, the computer has been made smaller and smaller.
(2) Since then, my family and I have been used by millions of people to deal with information and communicate with each other around the world by the Internet.
(3) I have truly been built to serve the human race since my birth.
Step 2 Presentation(呈现体验阶段)
I. 初步体验
T: Nowadays, computer has been used more often than ever before by the students. Then, what has it been used in our life?
Make the students try to express themselves freely. Help the students to describe the pictures, using the present perfect passive voice.
S1: Computer has been used to chat with my friends.
S2: Computer has been used to send E-mails to my friends.
S3: Computer has been used to gather information.
T: I am glad to hear that computer has really been used by us.
Students in class13 (14) have bought a new personal computer. We can also express our meaning:
Ss: A new personal computer has been bought by them.
T: Now, look, what about the computer used by the students in class13 (class14)?
1.They have found many problems with our computer.
2.They have just joined their computer to the Internet.
3.They have built a PC the way they want.
4.They have used the computer every day sine they bought it.
5.They have written a lot of e-mails on the computer in the past year.
T: ask students change these sentences into the present perfect passive voice.
S1. Many problems with their computer have been found by them.
S2. Their computer has just been joined to the Internet.
设计说明:计算机,高中生最感兴趣的话题之一。兴趣使学生积极大胆参与和教师地交流,在谈论计算机的用处时,学生通过has been used这一短语体验现在完成时的被动语态,在此基础上,就有关兄弟班同学使用电脑这个话题,进行主动语态和被动语态的转换。这一环节的设计,使学生在发现语法现象的基础上,感知和体验语法在实践中的运用。
II. 呈现阶段
Together with the students,the teacher summarizes the use of the structure.
教师点拨语法特点并提醒重难点:一. 被动语态的形式是be done, 二. 现在完成时经常与Since, for, yet, already, so far, by now, in the past few years, how long等词连用,三. 助动词的选择have/has 要与主语一致。
III. 再次体验
Fill in the blanks, using correct tense and voice:
1.I don’t know how many days I have been given (give) to spend, but I do feel my hands are empty. 我不知道他们给了我多少日子,但我的手确乎是渐渐空虚了。-《匆匆》
2. Never mention rope in the house of a man who has been hanged. (hang)不揭别人的短处。
3. The year that is drawing towards
its close, has been filled (fill) with the blessings of fruitful fields and healthful skies. 林肯总统1863年感恩节贺辞
4. Peace has been preserved (preserve:维护)with all nations, order has been maintained, (maintain:维持)the laws have been respected (respect) and obeyed, and harmony has prevailed (流行,盛行 )everywhere. 林肯总统1863年感恩节贺辞
设计说明: 在发现和归纳的基础上,利用学生喜欢的经典句体验语法结构和功能,让学生发现语法术语不能单独表意,只有在具体的情境中,才能表情达意。
Step 3 Practice(实践阶段)
I. Game:
Task: Describe what has happened in the pictures
Requirements: 1. Use “ have / has been done”;
2. Four groups are divided, and every group chooses one picture. The group which gives the most sentences will win. Because time is limited, the most sentences are six.
3. “One person, one chance”---Everyone has just one chance.
设计说明: 语言学习是枯燥的,学生在长时间的语言学习中,往往感到厌倦,根据学生的认知规律和表现欲强的特点,也为了给部分不愿参与语言学习的学生以足够的动力,在课堂中适时的运用游戏能刺激学生思维。游戏规则”One person, one chance”的设立,有效遏制了个别学生独霸课堂的现状。在游戏中体验语言,在游戏中运用语法,不仅加深了对所发现的语法知识的理解和掌握,而且体验到语言学习实际上是快乐的。
II. Choose the best answer:
1. Both my brother work at the power station that ___ in my hometown.
A. has set up B. has been set up C. was set up D. is set up
2. ---_____ the sports meet will be put off.
A. I’ve been told B. I’ve told C. I’m told D. I told
3. All the preparation for the task ____, and we’re ready to start.
A. completed B. complete C. had been completed D. have been done
4. ---- How long ____ at this job? ---- Since 1990.
A. were you employed B. have you been employed
C. had you been employed D. will you be employed
5. When and where to go for the on-salary holiday ____ yet.
A. are not decided B. have not been decided
C. is not being decided D. has not been decided
III. Correct mistakes in the blog:
T: We have learned “wildlife protection” in Unit2. An article is posted in our blog, but there are some mistakes. Please correct them.
设计说明: “外语是学会的,不是教会的”。A foreign language is learned, not taught. 体验语法使学生有了大量接触语法知识的机会。在此基础上,开展以上多种形式的语法操练,特别是让学生在熟悉的博客上发现语法错误,能更好地检测学生知识掌握的程度,体现了学中用,用中学的原则,符合学生的认知规律。
Step4 Production (应用阶段)
T: I think something must be done to save dolphins. Besides, some problems about computer have arisen. Do you know any problems?
S1. Many of the students have been attracted computer games, which have a great effect on their studies.
S2: A lot of diseases have been caused because of the computer. We spend too much time on computer.
S3: Some deadly computer programmers, like “worm” have been invented to make the computers turn off, which has caused great headaches for the computer users.
T: Great! Now, I’d like to give you a task.
Task: choose one topic above to write an article on the problems caused by the computer in our blog. If you’d like, leave some messages..
1.Use at least four sentences with “the present perfect passive voice”.
2.Apply at least four new words and expressions we have learnt in this unit.
Group work:
Each group has around four members. The group leader is supposed to collect each member’s ideas and prepare it well. Each member should have his own idea and is always ready to improve the passage.
1. The group that organizes the article well and gives some information (what happened, reasons, etc) wins.
2. The group that uses the learned words or phrases and the present perfect passive voice will get a high score.
我说的课题是高中一年级英语上册第2单元English around the world的第三课时Reading。我说课的内容包括三部分,一是教材分析,二是说教法,三是说教学程序。
一、 教材分析
本课是高中一年级英语上册 ,unit 2 English around the world 中的Reading.
1)Pre-reading. (读前准备)
“ 读前准备”部分是Reading的前奏,此部分设计了两个问题,诱发学思考。通过对问题的讨论和比较,让学生明白学好英语的重要性。
2).Reading (阅读)
1. 语言目标
2. 情感目标
让学生领会英美不同文化差异和风俗习惯, 领会语言丰富多彩性和发展变化的特征,使学生在认识世界英语在人们生活中扮演的不同角色的'同时,更加热爱自己的祖国,从而培养他们的祖国意识。培养他们的跨国文化意识和世界意识。
1、导入:首先在学生对英语是世界上最广泛使用的语言和越来越多的人在学习英语现有情况了解的基础上,引出问题“Do you knohomany countries use English as their mother tongue?Do you knosomething about English around the world?”在学生思索时,引出课题English around the world。接着再询问学生:What language has the largest number of speakers in the world? What language is the most widely spoken and used in the world? Homany countries do you knouse English as their mother tongue?使学生对本节课的话题有进一步了解,而且很有兴趣了解“世界英语”的具体情况。从另一个角度,先给学生一个语言上的input。激发学生的兴趣和欲望.
2、Pre-reading (读前准备):在学生回答了以上问题后,我让学生看这一部分课本上所设的两个问题: 1) Homany languages do you speak? Which is your native language? 2) If you speak more than one language, in what situation do you use the languages?让学生仔细思考后回答。教师不必忙着下结论,诱导他们从书中去思考寻找答案,激发他们探究的兴趣。
任务 1:Listen to the tape ,听录音,然后让学生尽力得出大意并且回答问题
1. Homany countries are there where the majority of people speak English?
2. Hois English used in Hong Kong?
3. What language should we use on the Internet so that we can communicate with people around the world ?
1、There are more than 42 countries where the majority of the people speak English in the world.()
2、There are more than 37,500,000 people who learn English as a second language.()
3、NeZealand, South Africa, the Republic of Ireland and the Philippines use English as their mother tongue.()
4、More than 750,000,000 people learn English as a foreign language.()
5、English is the only one working language of most international organizational trade and tourism.( )
1、 According to the text, which is TRUE about those who use
English as a second language?
A. English is also their mother tongue.
B. They use more than two official languages in their country.
C. People enjoy talking to their family members at home in their native language.
D. They learn English at high school for about five years.
2、 What’s the situation of English used in China?
A. Most Chinese students learn English at school as a foreign language.
B. All Chinese students speak English as a foreign language.
C. The majority of Chinese students speak English at school as a second language.
D. The majority of people in Hong Kong use English as their mother language.
3、 What’s the main idea of the passage?
A. There are more than 42 countries where th majority of the people speak English in the world.
B. More than 750 million people learn English as a foreign language.
C. English is the language of global culture such as popular music and the Internet.
D. English is the language which is the most important and widely used in the world today.
4、 Which is right according to the text?
A. Native speakers of English might find it unnecessary for them to learn a foreign language.
B. English will be the only English to be used in the future.
C. English is the working language of most international organizations, international trade and tourism.
D. With the development of China’s economy, Chinese will be more and more important than English.
5、 Which is WRONG to answer the following questions.
Why is it becoming more and more important to have a good knowledge of English?
A. More and more people will become interested in English.
B. English is one of the working languages of most international organizations, international trade and tourism.
C. We can communicate with people around the world everywhere through the Internet by using English.
D. English has developed into the language most widely spoken and used in the world.
任务5:分小组讨论:1)Why is it becoming more and more important to have a good knowledge of English? 2) In which countries do we find most native speakers of English? Give the names of three counties. 3) Living in China you can use English every day in different situations. Give two examples.给学生五分钟的时间分组讨论,然后让每组的代表给出答案(完成本课教学目标)。 教师在布置任务后,应监控各小组的活动,适当的时候可以参与到学生的活动中去。在活动中,教师多用评价性语言:Marvelous /Excellent /Fantastic /Well done/Great…
Through learning this passage, we have got to knothat English is becoming more and more popular all over the world now. So English learning seems important to everyone, especially us students of the necentury. With China’s entry into WTO, English will play a more important part in business, in tourism, and even in people’s daily life. So it’s no doubt that everyone should have a good knowledge of English. And I hope everyone in our class can make an effort to learn English well. But on the other hand, it doesn’t mean English is better than Chinese. We must keep it in mind that one’s mother tongue is the most beautiful language in the world. The reason why we learn English is that we should thus be more capable of building up our country. (这是个很好的机会引导学生在领会学好英语的重要性的同时,更加热爱自己的祖国,从而培养他们的祖国意识。It’s a good chance to lead the students to love our own country as well
as to learn English well.)
2、完成Post-reading Ex.2。
《迪斯尼 米老鼠》
a 知识目标:把握下列单词及短语:
cartoon take along in the hope of lose heart day after day unsuccessful character
b 能力目标:提高学生各方面的能力,加强学生语感方面练习,使学生能灵活运用所学英语进行口语表达。
c 德育目标:教育学生学习迪斯尼锲而不舍的精神,使学生具有良好的心理素质,形成好的学习习惯。
d 重点、难点
首先, 以课文为中心,以情景引路,以理解和运用为目的。力求做到情景领先,意含其间,以情激听,以景促解。使学生形成一种渴求把握知识的内在需要和强大动力。从而使学生加深对语言材料的理解,轻松获得外语语感和增强记忆力。
1、用动画片头导入。 目的是运用小电影式的开场,激发学生浓厚的爱好,为学习课文做预备。
2、背景介绍。 画面出现三张迪斯尼青年、中年和老年的照片配英语旁白。引导学生猜出照片上的人物迪斯尼,然后让学生谈谈他们所了解的迪斯尼。
5、放映有关课文内容的卡通片、图片、音乐及英语配音。 目的是激发学生爱好。使学生在享受画面的同时锻炼听力。使学生在脱离汉语干扰的情况下,直接用英语去理解画面。使学生真正用英语思维去理解课文。
7、讲解语言点(包括情景演示)。 目的是使学生把握重点词组及其用法。
9、根据画面及文字提示,用英语讲故事。为学生提供两套有文字提示的画面《白雪公主》 和 《灰姑娘》。学生可根据自己的爱好选择一个。目的是练习学生口头作文和口语表达能力。
Teaching Objects:
1. To enable the Ss to understand the reading strategy and use it;2. To help the Ss get a better understanding of advertisements;3. To enable the Ss express their ideas about advertisements and help them to build a proper idea about being smart about advertisementsTeaching key Points:
1. To help the Ss understand the reading strategy and guide them to practice using the strategy.
2. To help the Ss discuss the topic about advertisements.
Teaching Procedure
Step 1 Lead-in
1. Ask the Ss: What do you think of your school life?
----Try to connect the Ss’ answers with school clubs.
2. Group work
Suppose you are the organizer of the English Club in the school, try to say something to attract more students to join you. You can only use three sentences at most.
Ask some students to give their sentences and tell the Ss "What you did just now is in fact a kind of advertising."Ask the Ss: Have you realized what you did just now is actually a kind of advertisement? ----introduce the topic of the class---AdvertisementsStep 2 What is an advertisement?
1. Ask the Ss "What is an advertisement?" Let them use their own words.
The Ss may have difficulty expressing it clearly and properly.----We are so used to advertisements that we often ignore them. So today we are going to read a passage about advertisements and try to learn more.
2. Ask the Ss to read the passage (the part of "What is an advertisement?")to get the author’s definition of advertisements.
An advertisement provides information and uses persuasive languages and exciting images to encourage people to buy a product or service or believer in an idea.
3. More questions to help the Ss understand this part:
Where can we see advertisements? ---Media--- Billboard, newspapers, magazines, the Internet, radio, television…What types of advertisement do we have?---(1) Commercial ads (2)PSAs4. Show the Ss some pictures of the two kinds of ads and ask the Ss to tell which type they belong to.
It is very easy for the Ss to tell the types. Then ask:
What’s the difference between commercial ads and PSAs?
Commercial ads--- To sell things; to get profits and money.
PSAs--- To educate people
Step 3 Does an advertisement tell people the complete truth?
Up till now, we have learned something about advertisements and it is true that we can get a lot of information from advertisements. But do you think all the ads are trying to tell us the complete truth?
1. Ask the Ss to skim the text to get the author’s answer to this question "Does an advertisement tell people the complete truth?"-----Even if an ad does not lie, it does not mean it tells you the complete truth.
2. Ask the Ss to have a more careful reading and ask the Ss the discuss how the writer support his idea---The writer uses two examples to support his idea.
3. Then ask the Ss: Does the writer make any conclusion about this part?
---Yes. "We must not fall for this kind of tricks."4. According to the above three parts, explain to the Ss the structure of expository writing:
(1) Even if an ad does not lie, it does not mean it tells you the complete truth--- Subject/topic(2) Two examples --- Supporting details(3) We must not fall for this kind of trick! ---ConclusionStep 4 Public service advertisements
Ask the Ss to use the idea of expository writing to read part 3. Ask them to find the topic, supporting details and conclusion of this part.
Subject/ topic—PSAs are meant to be helpful to educate people.
Supporting details—examples ---(1) Deal with large social issues(2) About public service projects
(3) Teach us how to live healthy lives
Conclusion --- All of these ads are meant to be helpful, and you can often learn a lot by following the advice they give.
Step 5 Structure of the whole passage
Now we’ve learned more about advertisements and the structure of the expository writing. Let’s come back to the whole passage to see whether the whole passage follows the structure or not.
Topic --- Advertisements
Supporting details---- (1) What is an advertisement?
(2) Does an advertisement tell people the complete truth?
(3) Public service advertisements
Conclusion ---- Be smart about advertisements!
You see, the whole passage also follows the structure and it will be easier for you to read or write an expository writing if you follow the structure. Now let’s have a practice.
高一英语第四单元的话题是“unforgettable experiences”, 整个单元的设计围绕这一话题展开听、说、读、写多种教学活动,内容涉及“谈论过去的经历”、“描述任人物、事件以及人的感觉”、“学会在一篇文章中用First, Next, Then ,Finally来组织内容”等,让学生初步了解定语从句, 学会使用关系代词who ,whom, whose, which, that 的用法。我上的这节课是本单元的课后阅读训练,它是继前面几个课时内容的延伸,单元教学内容中阅读部分安排了一篇描述洪水的文章,而这篇课文是描述地震的文章,结合目前时事,我想以此为载体让学生在完成阅读任务的基础上对地震的知识有更多的了解,所以设计了这一课时。
(1)重点:1.利用不同的任务训练skimming, scanning, careful reading等阅读微技能;
(2)难点: 1。阅读技能的训练;。
(1) 收录机; (2)多媒体
首先是Speed reading,
a. skanning,快速默读全文,了解课文大意,回答简单问题为下一步找出细节作好铺垫。
b. skimming,让学生进行跳跃式阅读,了解文章的结构,教师要求学生(work in pairs)给每一部分给一个标题, 以此培养他们找寻文章或段落的主题句和
然后是careful reading ,
a,扫 读 :用多媒体展示针对每个部分提出不同问题,,学生通过扫读来获取细节信息。在通读全文梳理文章,理解主题基础上,学生熟悉了文章内容,才能掌握地震的相关知识。在这一环节中,针对各部分设计了不同的任务,
b .朗读:让学生跟读录音,掌握正确的语音语调,从整体上把握课文结构并从中得到自己的感受。这也为下一步学生讨论做好铺垫。学生通过以上活动,从基本框架到细节信息把握住了这篇文章。
在careful reading的扫读中,每个部分的问题各不相同,任务都非常有针对性,训练了学生各项不同的能力,学生表现出极大的兴趣和参与热情。这激发了学生的好奇心,这样既可提高口语表达能力,又可提高学生的想像能力。所以教师在课堂上巧妙地适时设问,是对学生进行多种思维的训练,学生的思维创造性也因此得到充分发挥。
2、掌握重点短语:be caught in,wake up to
1)To have been caught in a sandstorm was a terrible experience.
2)There was nothing to be done.
3)To be cycling in a sandstorm is frightening.
五、Teaching steps:
Step 1 Leading in(5〞)
Step 2 Skimming(3〞)
Step 3 Scanning(6〞)
Step 4 Detail Reading(10〞)
Step 5 Present telling and Group work.(12〞)
Step 6 Language points(3〞)
Step 7 Summary
Step 8 Homework(1〞)
Step 1 Leading in
See a video:News report about sandstorms。
Q1:What is the news about?
Q2:Can you use some words to describe this situation?
Q3:What is the cyclist wearing and why?
Q4:What do you think happen to traffic in this situation?Why?
1、 What are sandstorms?
2、 Where do sandstorms begin?
3、 How long is the desert away to the west of Beijing?
Step 3:scanning
Read the passage,and match the main idea of each paragraph.
Para.1 A、 Sandstorms in Asia.
Para.2 B、 Sandstorms sometimes affect Beijing.
Para.3 C、 The government plants trees to prevent sandstorms.
Para.4 D、 Sandstorms have been a major disaster for centuries.
Para.5 E、 Sandstorms do a lot of damage to people.
Para.6 F、 Sandstorms in China appear to have increased as a result of desertification.
Step 4 Detail reading:Fill in the chart
Parts Content Details
I ①disaster
For centuries,try ways to solve it
Ⅱ ②description
Strong,dry wind that carry sand
Orange sky,strong wind,traffic moves slowly
Not to go out
III ⑥measures Plant trees
Step 5:Present telling and Group work.
1、 Here are the snapshots from the video we watch at the beginning. Suppose there is a sandstorm in your city,call your friend and tell him/her what happen now according to the snapshots.
2、 What can we do to deal with this problem?
Step 6 Language points
短语:be caught in,wake up to
1)To have been caught in a sandstorm was a terrible experience.
2)There was nothing to be done.
3)To be cycling in a sandstorm is frightening.
Step 7 Summary
1、 We learn some new words and phrases.
2、 We learn that the sandstorm is a serious environmental problem and Chinese government is making efforts to deal with it.
We should protect our environment.
Step 8 Homework
Think about:
As a senior high student,what should we do to improve the environment of our school?Write down some sentences to show your ideas.
That’s all,thank you!
一、说教材(teaching material)
(一)教材简析(brief introduction)
Module 2 No drugs是外研版普通高中课程标准实验教科书必修二第二模块的内容,主要是学习表达抽烟、吸毒及其危害的词语和其他语言形式。编者的编排意图是通过对本模块的学习,既要让学生通过语言实践活动来体验语言,拓展学生学习和运用英语的语言综合能力,又让学生深刻认识到吸烟、吸毒对人体的危害,养成良好的生活习惯,关爱社会,关爱他人,并把所学的知识运用恰当的方式规劝同学远离烟和毒品。本模块我将用8个课时来完成。今天,我说的是第一课时的内容,课型为对话课。该部分初步接触描写吸烟、吸毒及其危害性的词语,并通过学生说的活动对其进一步理解和巩固,对阅读、听力、写作等语言技能训练课的顺利展开起着重要的铺垫作用。因此,本课对今后的英语教学具有重要的意义。
(二)教学目标(teaching aims)
1、知识目标(knowledge aims)
(1)握bronchitis, cancer, heart disease cigarette, death, die, injured, tobacco等,使学生能读准、听懂和运用。
(2)掌握、运用as a result of,so as a result,relate,die of,die from。(3)大部分的学生能掌握、使用以下的句子与他人进行讨论:
Why do people smoke cigarettes?
Where do people smoke? Where can’t they smoke?
Is there anti-smoking advertising in China?
2、能力目标(ability aim)
3、情感目标(quality aim)
二、说教法(teaching methods)
三、说学法(students’ situation)
四、教具准备(teaching aids)
五、教学程序(teaching procedures)
上课起始,学生的注意力往往受到课前活动各种思维的干扰,对所学课题不够关注。因此,教师要给学生较强的、较新颖的刺激,将学生的注意力吸引到特定的教学任务和教学程序中去。在此,在课件上展示一张图片,内容为两个人的肺,结合画面,教师发出感慨,Look! These are two lungs (肺)of people.However, one is healthy, while the other is unhealthy。然后提出问题
Q1: Which one is unhealthy?
Q2: What would cause it unhealthy?
Q3: What kind of harm will smoking do to people?
引出生词:bronchitis, cancer, heart disease等
呈现bronchitis, cancer, heart disease,cigarette, death, die, injured, tobacco,请学生注意bronchitis, cancer, heart disease,加以解释,领读,做词意匹配练习,确保学生掌握词汇的'中英文意思。接下来,让学生读词汇,注意纠正学生的发音。然后,全班分四大组进行比赛,看哪个组能给出与吸烟相关的单词最多。各组派一位代表上黑板写出词汇。写出最多者为胜方,奖励一面小红旗。在这个过程中,若出现生词,及时解释并领读,也可要求学生解释。
竞赛之后,学生会想知道更多吸烟有害健康的知识。此时,利用学生求知欲旺盛的特点,展示《每隔7秒,就有人因吸烟而亡》的图片,引起共鸣,渐进情景,启发学生积极用英语思维,自觉快速完成Activity1(Facts about Smoking)。教师马上核对答案,让全班大声朗读短文。
Why do people smoke cigarettes?
Where do people smoke? Where can’t they smoke?
Is there any anti-smoking advertising in china?
此环节是在活动四的基础上,再次通过任务型教学途径,分8人为一组。同时,在多媒体上呈现带有反吸烟广告标语的香烟盒(标语:Smoking Kills)。学生拿出自备的香烟盒,让小组成员通过讨论,在香烟盒上写上英语反吸烟标语,如:No Smoking,Smoking Kills等,也可发挥创造性思维,在标语旁绘制一些相应的简笔画,让学生体验成就感和合作精神。然后,各小组派出一个组员,把小组的作品向全班展示,大声念出标语。接下来,让全班共同讨论哪三个作品最优秀。优秀的小组,各获一面小红旗。(设计意图:此环节在讨论互动,动手操练的过程中,寓教于乐,把学生的语言综合运用能力提高到一个新的高度,体现学生的自我价值,形成技能。)
作文:如果你的同学是个吸烟者,你会怎么办?七、板书设计(The design of writing on the blackboard)竞赛之后,学生会想知道更多吸烟有害健康的知识。此时,利用学生求知欲旺盛的特点,展示《每隔7秒,就有人因吸烟而亡》的图片,引起共鸣,渐进情景,启发学生积极用英语思维,自觉快速完成Activity1(Facts about Smoking)。教师马上核对答案,让全班大声朗读短文。
Good morning, ladies and gentleman. Today, I feel honored to have the chance to share my ideas about how to teach reading.
In the reading process, I will focus on students’ long-term development and enable them to use proper reading skills and strategies. In other words, students are guided to read efficiently and independently.
My teaching plan will include 3 sections. They’re analysis of the reading material, identifying the teaching aims and teaching procedures.
This period is from unit 6 of book 5 PEP senior high school .this unit is around the space exploration to improve ss' listening speaking reading writing ability ,this period is a listening and speaking ,the topic is hot ,but it is far away from actual life. So the teacher should enlighten the students to think deeply the advantage and disadvantage of space exploration . .
According to the new curriculum standard and the characteristic of listening and speaking lesson ,combining the content ,I set up the teaching aims
Through the listening practice and speaking practice ,improve the ability of using language, know much about the space exploration ,and cultivate the students exploration spirit .
So the key point and difficult points is understanding the main idea of the passage .
Analysis of the students
Students have certain ability and skill in listening comprehension ,they have the ability of gaining the information. Have grasped many vocabulary.most of the students can express themselves correctly .
It is the listening and speaking lesson ,so I will take lingual method and task-based language method ,the students will finish the task in groups and improve the ability of using the language .
My teaching procedures if following:
Step 1 lead in
To arouse students' interest in space exploration ,I show them some pictures about space exploration,the picture of the three famous astronauts in china ,some pictures of spaceships.Students look at and try to recognize the people
Step 2 listening practice
To draw students' attention to the topic, ask students a question and comment on their answer "can you guess what are going to listen to today ?
Then to cultivate their ability to grasp the main idea ,let the students listen to the tape ,try to figure out the main idea and do the exercises
Play the tape for the first time and get the main idea and finish some of the exercises
To train their ability of searching for detailed information in listening ,I play the tape for the second time and ask them to finish all the exercise and check the answer
To make sure that students can complete the task and offer help if necessary ,play the tape again .
At the same time,check the answer with the whole class ,and get them to know how to find the answer by asking "how do you know that
Step 3 speaking activities
To have students practise their speaking ability .I ask students to discuss the question in groups from the passage ,we can know that space exploration is developing rapidly in recent years ,do you think ti worth exploring the space ."try to express their own opinion and give us your reasons "why you are for or against the exploration"
To check the results of discussion,ask the students to report after ten minutes' discussion.
To design their impression of different ideas and prepare them for the writing task after class,ask the students to make a list on the blackboard
Step 4 conclusion
To enable students to summarize what they have learned ,ask students to sum up the ideas on the blackboard
Step 5 assignment
To enable students to consolidate their knowledge in the form of writing ,ask students to write a passage on whether the space is worth exploring
My topic is Word power. It will include: The analysis of the selected material; Teaching aims; Teaching important and difficult points; Teaching procedures and blackboard work. First, let me talk about my understanding of the teaching material.
Part one Analysis of the teaching material
This is one of many parts of Unit 1, Module 2.It is designed to strengthen students’ English words and knowledge about space through doing a series of activities. In this lesson, students will study two materials. By reading them students will find out the problems about space. In the course of writing students will learn how to use the words correctly. All in all, learning this lesson can improve students’ ability of learning and using words’ skill. So the selected material plays a very important part in English teaching and learning.
Part two Teaching aims Teaching important and difficult points Teaching methods
According to the new curriculm and syllabus, based on the character of the selected material, I set the teaching aims as follows:
Knowledge aim: to learn to read a passage about space exploration.
Ability aim: to improve Ss’ ability of reading and writing, enlarge students’ vocabulary by learning about some words about outer space and space exploration .
Emotional aim: to develop Ss’ spirit of co-operation and help them understand the components of the universe.
Teaching important and difficult points
The teaching important and difficult point in this lesson is :
1. Mastering some new words about space exploration.
2. How to make good use of the new words in the given context.
Teaching methods:
To achieve the teaching aims and deal with the important and difficult points, I’ll use the following methods to conduct my class, they are:
Brainstorms; Reading; ask and answer competition; discussing and group work; retelling; interviewing; writing. I’ll also use a muti-media to make my class lovely and interesting.
Part three Teaching procedures
Next are my teaching steps
Step 1 Lead- in
1. Who was the first to be sent into space in China? And when?
2. Who was the first Chinese man to take a walk in space? And when?
3. Who was the first Chinese woman to travel in space? And when?
Step 2 Vocabulary learning & Reading
1. Ask students to read the first part of the speech and complete the time line of the main events mentioned.
2. Show the picture of Part B on page 6, and ensure the students can master the new words about space exploration.
3. Increase students’ interest by asking “How can we send up a space shuttle into space?”, then show a short video.
Step 3 Practice
1. Ask students to read the second part of the scientist’s speech and complete Part C individually according to the instructions.
2. Let students read the passage again, and think about the following questions:
1) What will happen to the rockets after the shuttle has been sent to space?
2) Where will the astronauts do their research?
3) Why can’t they remove their spacesuits?
3. Encourage the students to retell the process of launching a space shuttle into space.
4. The scientist is showing the students a picture of universe. Ask students to focus on Part D and complete it individually.
Step 4 Summary and consolidation
Make an interview about space exploration.
Step5 Homework
1. Try to remember these new words about outer space and space exploration.
2. Write an imaginative writing: If you had a chance to travel in space one day, what would you do there?
Part 4 Blackboard work
On the left of the Bb, I’ll write down some language points; In the middle are some suggested answers and some interviewing and writing skills are on the right side.
语言能力是语言行为的重要部分,它是使语言使用者能够说出和理解无限的句子,并能识别语法错误和歧义。就是说话者掌握的语法结构、词汇和语法规则等方面的知识,从某种意义上讲,语言能力就是一部语言的百科全书。而阅读 是在没有他人参与的情况下,主动增加语言的输入,不仅直接参与作者的自然交流,而且使学生从中获得语言的内涵,培养语言的能力及分析问题和解决问题的能力。
2、目标:1)通过学生在教师的指导下主动阅读课文以获得语言信息,提高阅读水平,同时使学生了解有关卫星方面的知识。2)掌握大纲教材中的词汇:broad, circle, in space, pull, camera, fold, unfold, connect, object, direction, position,
signal, orbit, rocket, panel. 并且复习定语从句的用法。3)用语所学语言,围绕人造地球卫星这一题材,完成教科书和练习册中规定的听、说、写的任务,并完成有关的课文内容的练习。
1) 一些四会、三会词(词组)
broad, circle, in space, pull, camera, fold, unfold, connect, object, direction, position
once every month, fold up, at the speed of, is likely to, keep out of,carry up, go into, in order to, return to, more than, not only…but also…,each other
2) 非限制性定语从句的复习。
1、 快读:教师放录音,要求学生快读全文,获得主要信息:
1) Why are satellites so expensive?
2) What can satellites send back to the earth?
2、 再读:主要是帮助了解一些文中细节。借助于学生用书P79,Ex 1中的题目,来指导学生阅读全文。
3、 深读:主要是通过在教师的指导下,学生自主地细读全文,加深学生的深层次的理解。
4、 精要的.语言知识讲解。
1、 复习:1)检查上节课的作业。2)词汇听写
2、 阅读准备:看P8图,讨论学生所看到的。板书:Why are satellites so expensive? What can satellites sand back to the earth?
3、 快读:学生带着黑板上的两个问题,教师放录音,学生快速浏览全文,找到问题的答案。
4、 再读:借助Wb 中的7个问题,引导学生再读全文,完成相关内容,并对不理解的句子和词组划线。
5、 推断词义,解决难句。教师把学生在再读中的难句收集,引导学生猜义和解释。帮助解决理解障碍。
6、 深读:引导学生进行深层次的阅读全文。
7、 精要的语言点讲解。(见教案)
8、 验收效果:True or false练习。(见教案)
9、 小结:1)文章脉络 2)主要语言点
10、 板书设计:
课 题
一、 说教材
1、 材的地位和内容
该课文John Snow Defeats King Cholera 是人教版高中英语必修5第一单元的一篇文章,这是一篇阅读课。文章介绍了有名医生John Snow 是如何通过考察、分析和探究的科学方法,发现并控制“霍乱”这种传染疾病的。通过学习这篇课文,使学生感悟到科学家的周密观察、勇于探索、认真分析的科学精神,使学生了解到科学发现的全过程具有其科学的严密性。该课文出现了英语重要语法知识--过去分词的用法。
2、 教学目标
1) 语言知识目标
词汇:defeat attend expose cure outbreak control absorb severe valuable strict pump 等
2) 语言技能目标
3) 情感目标
4) 学习策略目标
5) 文化意识目标
3、 学重点和难点
Task 1
T: Name some famous scientists you know and tell something about them.
S: Charles Darwin---He was British. He wrote the Origin of Species.
S: Thomas Edison---He was an American inventor. He invented electric light bulb.
S: Stephen Hawking---He is a British. He studied black holes of space.
Task 2
任务2 呈现教学材料,设计学习任务,要求学生按时完成学习任务。练习学生阅读方法,利用Scanning阅读法,阅读课文,学生通过自主学习的方式,通过探究,独立思考,观察和分析,浏览课文,寻找相关信息,在下表填写,并口头叙述。达到听说读写综合能力练习的目的。
Task 3
Task 4
任务4 课后作业。要求学生查阅有关霍乱知识的文章,向医生了解什么是霍乱,人类感染后回出现什么症状。并说出还有哪些传染病。
本单元的中心话题是"美国" ,课文围绕“美国南部”及“美洲平原上的野牛”展开,让人感受美国的变迁过程。本单元有助于培养学生跨文化交际意识,进一步拓宽视野,为终身学习奠定良好的基础。其中的 Warming up部是为了让我们从宏观上和微观上把握美国的地理特征;Listening部分是为了培养学生在听力中快速捕捉信息的能力而设置的,同时有助于学生了解美国的背景知识,丰富学生的文化内涵;Speaking部分主要是要求学生描述一个场所。而我今天将要说的是Reading部分The American South。阅读训练在教学中占有重要地位,通过阅读训练能培养学生的许多阅读技巧(如快速阅读、略读、跳读、精读等)以及一些阅读的细微技能(如识别关键词、确定主题句、预测课文内容等),从而使学生逐步掌握阅读策略。本单元的阅读主要是培养学生如何阅读记叙文,如何从文章中获取有用的信息等阅读技巧,在本单元教学中占重要地位。
1、 认知目标:对课文整体把握, 了解美国南部的历史及现状。
2、 技能目标:
3、 情感目标:通过对美国南部的介绍-一部充满灾难的历史,同时也是一部充满成功与希望的历史,让同学们进一步的了解美国的过去和现状,同时增强同学们的奋斗意识。
三、教学重点 :
五、教学用具 :
1、 教法构想:
2、 学法指导:教会学生不同体裁文章的阅读方法,如本单元的比较论述文的`阅读方法。
1、 Daily report: 目的是培养学生的口语表达能力和听力,同时还可以用之检查复习或引入新课,这一项常规训练。
2、 导入新课:
(1) Do you know which country it is ?
(2) Do you know something about the history of American?
3、 速读:此步骤的目的是训练学生迅速掌握文章梗概大意,文章分为三部分,说出每部分的大意。
4、 精读:此步骤使学生掌握课本的一些细节。要求学生带着问题去快速浏览,从阅读材料中找到特定的信息和具体的事实。问题设计如下:
(1)What suffering did the American South suffer?
(2)Who is the great leader of the Civil Rights Movement described in this text?
(3)Where was the Olympic Games held in 1996?
(4)How did the Atlanta become the representative of the new South?
(5)What kind of city has Atlanta become?
(6)Why does the author say that "But the story of the South is also one of hope
and success"?
5、 再读:此步骤训练学生根据上下文猜测词义的能力,同时扫清课文障碍。可以完成课本44页第一题,另可以补充一些词语与词义搭配练习如下(词义略):deal with,burn down,aim at,in honour of,in vain,proud of,be determined to,once again
6、 巩固:此步骤要求学生根据提示和教师引导示范基本能够用自己的语言复述课文。
The history of the South is 。.。; the suffering of 。.。; hope and success.。.;Atlanta recovered from.。.。.。;the great leader of the Civil Rights Movement 。.。.。;In 1996 ,Olympic Games.。.。.。;representative.。.。.。commercial and cultural centre.。.。.
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