
时间:2024-05-21 13:54:14 申请书 我要投稿
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  Dear xx,

  “The world of computers is growing at an un-recordable rate everyday,computers are the most influential tools in our lives, they are our present andfuture. In my opinion nothing on the planet can measure the exponential growthand excitement in the computing industry, and industry which I want to be a partof, particularly Software Engineering. As long as computers are around, SoftwareEngineering will take place after all, people need to write and code theprograms like Microsoft Word, and code your games, they don’t just appear. Mygoal is to be part of a team who creates worthwhile, efficient and usefulsoftware for consumers. And the Engineering course if I work at it, which Iwill, will be the key to my success, my current computing A-Level course is agood first step for my goal.

  Other courses I am currently studying are Mathematics and Accountancy,Maths is also very important to my selected career, Maths is a universallanguage, it is used by everything, and is very involved with Computers. I enjoynumber work, so an obvious choice at A-Level was Accountancy although I findthis subject less challenging than others, its still interesting and fun, but itdoesn’t grip me like Computing and is not an immediate careerchoice.

  I am hard working and currently work at my local ASDA store, I am on theProvisions/Chilled section and am part of a big team, we each depend on eachother to meet deadlines, its quite a demanding job as you have to deal and betrained with customer services and complaints as we work on the shop floorduring open hours. I currently work a 16hour weekend for ASDA, which providesthe money I need for hobbies.

  My hobbies include football, going out to the cinema and the odd club orpub, shopping for myself and others, my PC, and the most expensive of all, mygirlfriend. I also like to swim, I find it quite relaxing and it is goodexercise. I also love to eat out, going out for meals with friends is unrivalledby almost any social gathering including clubs and pubs, I love sitting around atable talking and joking about with friends while drinking and eating, itssomething I try and do at least once a month. Friends are very important to meand I try to be the best friend I can.”

  Yours sincerely,



  Dear xx,

  The dynamics of Psychology affect our everyday life and behaviour,this iswhat me so interested in the subject. From an early age, I often wondered why weact as we do and what effects us as we grow up. I always had a strong interestas to why people were so different even though genetically, everyone is similar.I have thoroughly enjoyed the subject, especially conformity. It fascinates meas it portrays how strong peer pressure can be and I believe this is the mainsubject that deals with why we act the way we do. We conform everyday, offeringa wide knowledge on behaviour. I am enjoying studying how the body and mind workand why certain things affect certain people. I find it useful on a personalbasis as it can be used to explain many problems such as how illness isconnected to stress.

  For 9 years I have aspired to be a teacher. After studying psychology, I amcertain that is what I wish to do for the rest of my life. After a weeks workexperience at Mill Lodge primary school, I decided I did not want to teach suchyoung students, however, it made me certain that I want to pursue a career inteaching. My work experience increased my patience with children and gave me awide overview of types of students. For a year and a half I have worked inTesco, helping my patience and confidence, which was once lacking, has improved,showing a large expanse of people skills, with customers and staff members,giving me the experience of working as a team.

  Active participation in school life has also been rewarding. Whilst atLight Hall, I helped with projects run by the school. From February 20xxonwards, I was commended for supporting special needs pupils from Hazel OakSchool by helping with IT work. I assisted one teacher and one pupil in helpingthem create various IT projects. This boosted my enthusiasm to be a teacher.From a young age I played netball, playing for 7 years in total in the positionof goal keeper. In Year 11, I taught students in years 7-9 how to play to thebest of their abilities. However, I had to give up this hobby when startingcollege due to other commitments and desire to start extra courses. Regardless,I am determined to begin this hobby once again.

  I was part of the student council at Light Hall, additionally attendingmeetings with the head teacher and other senior staff. In year 11, the 'StudentVoice' was introduced where two students from each year, including myself, wereselected to speak to the school's board of governors. At college, I joined thestudent council again. In my first year, I was nominated as a member of my formto be in the student council and I was then asked to attend a 'faculty meeting'every so often with my head of faculty and other students. However, in my secondyear I am part of a small group of around 10 students in the year who are the'executive'. My role is Environmental Officer, something I am proud to berepresenting and passionate about as it is a problem which is being discussedglobally and I am happy to do my bit to help. At college and school Iparticipated in Open Evenings. I then proceeded to help on a 'Welcome to CollegeDay,' speaking to students about the benefits of taking Sign Language as part ofa Enrichment course and then advertised the student council whilst guiding newstudents.

  One of my main strengths is Sign Language. I began a course with CACDP inyear 12, sustaining a qualification of Level 1 in BSL. As a form of workexperience, I will be helping students this year with their Level 1 studies.Overall, I am a committed and reliable student with passion about education.Taster days at universities (Warwick, Oxford and Birmingham) made me certainthat university is the ideal environment for me to enhance my studies. I feelthis course will lead me to success. After Higher Education, I plan to studypsychology further and become a teacher of Psychology in colleges, hopefullygiving students the chance to share my keen interest in Psychology.

  Yours sincerely,


親愛な _









  Dear x,

  As a production factor, human resource also faces scarcity—in the technicalsense of economics—the way that other forms of resource face. Therefore, when anindividual makes a choice as a human factor, he or she has to take into accountof the opportunity cost to himself (or herself) in particular and to the societyas a whole within the general framework of his or her individual value. Myresolution to pursue an advanced program in the field of marketing is preciselyfounded on the guidelines provided by economics. My personal interest and amplepotential allow me to possess comparative advantage in pursuing marketing forreasons that I will state in the succeeding paragraphs, and I believe that mychoice is a rationalized choice in keeping with the rules of economics.

  My interest in marketing commenced with the learning of two importantcourses in my sophomore year—Marketing and Management. The first year of myundergraduate program at the Department of Accounting, Henan University, wasspent in overwhelming frustration because I was arbitrarily assigned to studyaccounting as my specialty, a subject in which I had little interest. However,in learning Marketing and Management, I discovered my real interest. Inretrospection, this interest of mine stemmed from my willingness to communicateand exchange with people, my desire to experience the collisions betweendifferent schools of thought, the interdisciplinary nature between those twosubjects, and the demands that they impose on a person’s creative thinking. The4P’s as advocated in marketing (price, place, promotion and product) arespecifically oriented toward market fluctuations and they require specialsensitivity in capturing market information, thorough understanding of theproblems involved, and the ability to solve problems by sound logical reasoning.The four aspects as represented by 4P’s constitute the fields in which I madeconscious efforts to develop and to improve my competence. While taking themarket course, I immersed myself in various western textbooks including theclassic work Marketing Management by Philip Kotlor. Meanwhile, I endeavored toassimilate useful knowledge from case studies, realizing the empirical nature ofthe subject. I had a habit of applying a multiplicity of perspectives fromdifferent frameworks of knowledge to bear on the same problem and for thisreason I once achieved the highest score in my department in an oralpresentation. My teacher of the Marketing course, who is also the chairman ofthe Marketing Department, believed that I was most suited to a career inmarketing. His remarks gave me tremendous encouragement and further reinforcedmy determination to seek an advanced education in this fascinating area.

  Marketing is an applied science that calls for constant practice based on amastery of its theories and principles in order to develop an awareness of howmarketing is actually conducted. During the summer vacation in the second year,having completed the marketing course, I participated in the promotion campaignon behalf of the Little Swan Home Appliances Products (Little Swan being thebrand name of China’s most famous producer of home appliances) at ZhengzhouDepartment Store in Henan Province. During the promotion campaign, we provideddetailed information to our prospective clients concerning the products andtheir post-sale services on one hand and submitted the feedback to theheadquarters on the other. This refreshing experience of directly facing clientsexcited me, making me all the more interested in various activities that couldincrease my practical knowledge of marketing. One of such activities was aproject my classmates and I contrived for developing a realistic understandingof the principles of Marketing Lens Model. According to this model, differentindividuals may experience major differences in their cognition of theirsurroundings due to differences in their education, backgrounds and personalexperiences, which lead to their development of their differential cognitivelenses. Our project team conducted an all-campus evaluation of the teachers’performance and of the soundness of the curriculum in the form of questionnairesand follow-up surveys. Based on the findings of our investigation, we submittedto the university authorities rationalization proposals concerning how toimprove of the quality of teaching and how education could be geared to thespecific needs of students. Positively commented upon, our proposals were mostlyadopted by the authorities. This successful experience made me understand thatsome concepts of marketing could be fruitfully applied to different walks oflife, not merely put into service for the profit-making organizations.

  My practical work experience in marketing started with my employment at theSales Department of Beijing Education & Cultural Communications Center uponmy graduation in the summer of 20xx. Over the past one year, I participated inplanning promotion campaigns for several sets of book series and in themanagement of media publicity. I was also responsible for designing theexhibitions for those book series. However, in performing my responsibilities, Ibecame dismayed by the reality. Theoretically speaking, marketingresponsibilities within a company should be specified and marketing personnelshould perform their duties according to specialized division of labor so thatthe efficiency can be optimized. Nevertheless, in actual operations, differentdivisions of labor among different departments tend to produce conflictedinterests and communication barriers, resulting in disruptions in work schedulesand in reduced efficiency. I came to realize that teamwork is still a majorproblem within Chinese context, especially in the field of marketing, that needsto be worked out. To materialize good concepts of marketing, optimum approachesmust be adopted that can meet the changing circumstances of the environment. Myheretofore work experience shows me that, although marketing has developed intoa comprehensive discipline that is both enlightening and capable of socialguidance over a century-long innovation and evolution, the idea of marketing asthe strategic presence of a given enterprise has not yet been established withinthe Chinese economic milieu. With the increased competition brought about byglobalization, especially with China’s accession to the WTO, the widely-acceptedconventional formula of “production + product + marketing” has been renderedobsolescent, unable to satisfy the needs of China’s present buyer’s market andthe necessity to maintain sustainable development after China’s WTO accession.In particular, faced with the challenges posed by the emergence of knowledgeeconomy, Chinese enterprises must revolutionize its conventional notions ofmarketing. Toward this objective, Chinese enterprises must top-level managementand marketing professionals who can formulate effective marketing strategies andestablish highly efficient marketing network. In this regard, prospectivemarketing professionals have a mission and a responsibility to perform. Apartfrom my interest and my potential, this factor constitutes the most directreason behind my current effort to apply for a Ph.D. program in marketing atyour prestigious university. It is my expectation that in my future degreeprogram I will be exposed to the most recent concepts and modes of thinking inmarketing which I can ultimately apply to the Chinese marketing practice.

  Although I did not major in marketing as an undergraduate, my professionaltraining in accounting can nevertheless be instrumental to my academic andcareer development in the future. The specialty of accounting also required meto receive basic training in economics and management, an education backgroundthat allowed me to evolve mental habits characteristic of economics andmanagement. In my undergraduate program, trainings in the development of mentalhabits were far more important than the mere acquisition of book knowledge andmy performance in work has also indicated that I excel my peers in logicalreasoning and in economics-specific mentality. My GPA is not absolutely high(but showing obvious ascendancy), which could be attributed to my initialdislike for accounting on one hand and to my extensive participation inextracurricular activities to satiate my special love for marketing practices.Those activities consumed a considerable amount of my time and energy that Icould otherwise have devoted to coursework. Nevertheless, I take great comfortin having developed my empirical knowledge of marketing by participating inthose activities.

  Successful marketing is the most crucial strategic arrangement in makingquality products available to prospective consumers. Having accumulatednecessary knowledge and experience, I have an implicit faith in myself as a mostcompetitive candidate for your Ph.D. program. In presenting myself for yourscrutiny, I am doing an important “marketing” of myself. I sincerely wish thatmy further exploration in the field of marketing could be made possible withthis very “marketing” of myself.

  Yours sincerely,















































  Dear x,

  I have always been interested in businesses and how they operate, as wellas being fascinated by other languages and cultural differences

  My passion for the subject increased when I chose business studies as partof my main education at school. In addition to the general subjects such asmathematics, literature, history it also included marketing, accounting andeconomics. Although these subjects are somewhat demanding, I find them extremelyinteresting. After secondary school I decided to continue my education at KazakhNational University founded by Al Farabi, it is one of the best and oldestuniversities in Central Asia, in the faculty of the International EconomicRelations. I believe that the degree I have obtained, is the best choice for me.I will be looking forward to learning about the international business world andI am relishing the thought of learning to integrate with people from differentcountries and cultures. The idea of learning to communicate with other peopleacross the world is something that has always appealed greatly to me

  My speciality that I have got after graduating from the Kazakh NationalState University is in the International Economic Relations

  I have studied financial management, macro- micro- economics, accounting,international currency-credit relations and other subjects. More profoundly Ihave studied international economic relations, international organisations,their function around the world and my diploma work "The analysis of economicaspects of Kazakhstan oil transportation abroad" was written on the basis of theresearch of the economics relations between Caspian countries: Russia,Azerbaizhan, Iran, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan

  Not all my work experience has been as a paid employee. Furthermore I beganto take part time jobs when I was at the University; I worked for differentfinancial institutions one of them was National Bank of Kazakhstan in the CreditDepartment as an Assistant of the Head Manager and in the Currency Department.My work in this Bank taught me to be self-organised, how to make analyses ofcredit rating and commentaries, function of the currency policy, which is one ofthe essential part of any bank's activities, and how to work out complexapproaches in settlement of different issues and tasks. After this time I havechanged my field of work and continued it in the Close Stock Company"KazTransOil" as an Accountant, which is analysing and developing the plan oftransportation oil into different countries

  Having important previous experience I have applied my knowledge and skillsat the position of an Assistant of Head Accountant in the Financial Department.The main goals of the Department - to provide necessary structure oftransportation for joining the main oil field with the processing factories andexport it abroad. My responsibility included calculating the budget of theCompany, making up balance sheet, and analysing a project plan. However Irealised that to work as a professional specialist in a business area for thebroader and deeper understanding finance, accounting and internationalenvironment are needed

  For me as a young specialist it is very important to try an opportunity tocontinue my education in the University that has proved itself as one of thebest among the other recognised universities focusing on business studies,promoting and facilitating research in such significant period when integrationis outgrowing to globalisation and countries becoming more dependent on eachother. I think that my interest in accounting and finance, educationalbackground and professional experience will open new perspectives for me if Iwill study at this University. Now I feel that I have potential for realisationmyself in the area of finance and my constant interest to this science, to studymore deeply this subject, ability to distinguish main economic trends willassist me to transmit my knowledge to other specialists.

  Yours sincerely,































Dear xx,

  My passion for psychology is deeply rooted in my interest in philosophy,epistemology and the understanding of human happiness. I sincerely believe inthe practical benefits of a life spent helping others, fully investing in thecultivation of empathy and compassion. With this end in mind I have alwayssought out challenging and rewarding opportunities to work with people and tostudy human relationships and problems.

  I have had a long history of psychology related work experiences. I wasfirst employed at the Salt Lake City International Airport assisting physicallyand mentally disabled passengers navigate the terminal. Although the spectrum ofmental illness I was exposed to at this job was small compared to a lot of mylater positions, the airport served as a magnifying glass for human diversityand opened my eyes to the world beyond my local culture. There are few places onearth where you can find so much ethnic, cultural, religious and ideologicaldiversity so densely packed into a single building.

  I was later employed as a Psychology, English and Math tutor for WeberState University working one on one with students by appointment. This joballowed for much more intimate, collaborative relationships and taught me a lotabout the process of learning. At this point I officially switched my major fromcivil engineering to psychology and my general interest in philosophy andepistemology began to focus through psychology.

  I then worked as a Lead Staff at several different residential assistedliving facilities for individuals with developmental disabilities. I workedclosely with clients on a daily basis, often spending nights at the homes onsleep or waking graves or working doubles taking clients to company events andactivities. This was not simply a job for me, but a subculture I was completelyimmersed in as many of my close friends worked for the same company and weserved the same population of developmentally delayed individuals in the Ogdenarea. After leaving this job I later participated in community service through acompany called enable that employed many of the clients I had worked withpreviously.

  Following avatar, I began employment as a Mental Health Worker on a youthsex offender unit at Benchmark Behavioral Health Hospital. I had the opportunityto sit in on group therapy sessions and to observe the peer interactionsthroughout the day. This was a very intense work environment, filled nearlydaily with extreme violence and verbal aggression. The turnover was incrediblyhigh at this job, and I learned to operate professionally in a high stressenvironment. I witnessed and was part of some powerful emotional experiences atthis job. I watched the adolescents grow into adults and deal with some veryserious issues stemming from dark and troubled pasts. It was when a youngpatient who seemed emotionally numb since his arrival opened up to me in thetimeout room, crying for over an hour about his regrets and frustrations that Idecided definitely that I wanted to pursue clinical psychology. I'll neverforget him saying, "It just feels good to tell someone you know, to talk aboutall this stuff, thanks for listening to me".

  I currently work as a Psychiatric Technician at the University of UtahState Hospital, as an Employment Counselor for the State of Utah, and as aresearch assistant at the University. As a Psychiatric Technician I see patientsat their most acute symptoms. Since it is a crisis ward, I have the opportunityto interact with patients when they are first admitted and have been throughvery recent psychological and/or physical trauma. Patients are often extremelydelusional and having homicidal and suicidal ideations. As a psychiatric tech Ihave seen first hand a wide variety of diagnosis and what those diagnosistranslate to in terms of actual personally observed behavior.

  I am also currently working with Dr. Diamond on a study looking at theformation and functioning of adolescent and adult attachment relationships, aswell as the different ways our attachment styles affect our closestrelationships over long periods of time. As a research assistant, the nature ofthe study is such that I am involved in a wide variety of experimentaltechniques. At the lab I have experience with video editing, dvd dubbing, dataentry, several forms of physiological equipment placement and data recording, aswell as many general computer and organizational tasks. I have had directexposure with participants in the study and seen first hand how theseparticipants' experiences in the lab translate to data.

  I am particularly interested in working with Dr. Strassberg as much of hiswork deals with human sexuality and my interest in this area is substantial.Having worked with sex offender youth I would love to be involved in anyresearch in the area of adolescent sexual disorders or dysfunction. I find Dr.Florsheim's research of interest as well particularly the Adolescent Developmentand Outreach program. Aside from my desire to work with troubled youth, my otherresearch interests are quite broad ranging from ACT therapy, cognitivebehavioral therapy, positive psychology, the psychology of faith and religion,effective parenting styles, cohabitation, and marriage.

  Throughout my life these experiences have allowed me to work closely withpeople, and many have allowed for and encouraged the development of therapeuticrelationships with patients or customers. This work experience has been veryvaluable in exposing me to real world scenarios where people are struggling tocope with mental and/or physical illness. Being involved directly and indirectlywith many different organizations that work to improve the lives of theseindividuals has helped me to gain a better more eclectic perspective on thetreatment of mental illness in our society. The knowledge I have gained from myschooling and my actual patient exposure work together to form a solidfoundation of practical and technical knowledge about clinical psychology andmental illness in general. Although my work could hardly be considered equitableto working as a licensed therapist, the experiences have done a lot in preparingme and priming my mind for more serious and involved study for psychology ingraduate school.

  Yours sincerely,



Dear _

  “Women aren’t suited for such hard subjects,” my friend Seung—woo told mewith a smug smile。 Seung—woo didn’t think that mathematics was a field forwomen。 Although he was my age and wasn’t tied down by most traditional beliefs,he believed that only men could be true mathematicians。 The majority of peoplein my country,South Korea,believe the gender stereotype that women areinherently inferior to men in mathematics。 I strongly disagree with thisoutdated notion。 Women are just as capable of outstanding mathematicalachievement as men,and I am determined to help disprove gender stereotypesthrough my example。

  Mathematics has always given me a deep sense of satisfaction。 Even inelementary school,I was attracted to the precision and logic inherent inmathematical formulas。 I devoured as much mathematical information as I could,collecting theorems of mathematicians such as Gauss and Euclid like otherstudents collected stamps。 I had the opportunity to test my skills and knowledgein high school,when I competed in several national math competitions,includingthe Korea Mathematical Olympiad。 My strong showing in these venues,along withmy top math grades and perfect math score on the Korean SAT,bolstered myconfidence in my abilities。 I was proud to prove to others that I was capable ofperforming at the highest levels。

  Despite my strong interest and achievement in mathematics,it has beendifficult for me to realize my potential due to the Korean educational system,which emphasizes cramming for tests instead of critical understanding。 Moresignificantly,Korean social biases against women in the fields of math andscience have discouraged me from pursuing my love of mathematics。 Thus,I wantto study in the United States,where I will be able follow my dream withoutthese constraints。 For about a year,I have taken English language courses at auniversity in Washington,D。C。,where I have gained a glimpse of Americanacademic life from the inside。 I am very impressed by American students’devotion to their studies and the system’s ability to support each student’sgoals。 I am therefore especially interested in attending Boston College,which,in addition to offering outstanding math and science courses,is renowned forits emphasis on cultivating students’ full development,or "cura personalis。" AtBoston College,I will be able to focus on my goal of becoming an excellentmathematician。

  I am determined to succeed,but I know that I must overcome many challenges。Sometimes,when I feel discouraged by the obstacles I face as a Korean woman inmathematics,I imagine what my life will be like ten years from now。 Armed witha Boston College degree,I will visit my old friend Seung—woo。 We will havecorresponded over the years,so he’ll already know about the many mathematicsarticles published in my name,and he will be well aware of the internationalacclaim they received。 I will savor the day when Seung—woo admits that I wascorrect in believing that I could succeed as a mathematician。 I will be proud toknow that partly due to my achievements,the door to increased opportunities forwomen in math and science has swung open a little bit wider.

  Yours sincerely


























































































  親愛な _、

  時間を割いて私の手紙を読んでいただけるととてもありがたいです。私は、中国のトップ 10大学の 1 つである _ の中国人学部生で、20年に卒業します。その後、フランスで修士号を取得して教育を続けたいと考えています。私は今_の部署にいます。

  私の主な関心は国際商取引で、essec がその分野のトップにいることに気付いたので、私は自分自身を奮い立たせて参入することにしました。あなたの「異文化間リレーションシップマーケティング」の研究、特に中国のビジネスに関する出版物も同様です。東南アジアとして、私は特に興味があります。そして、私のキャリアの中でヨーロッパと中国の間のビジネスを扱いたいと思っています。それが私があなたのテーマへのエントリーを求める理由です。

  大学時代、私はチーム環境で働くことに慣れていました。たとえば、私は学生自治会の事務次官を務め、大学では競技会と一緒に活動を組織し、計画しました。優秀な仕事のために、私は娯楽と体育活動のための奨学金を得ました。大学の英語テスト4 と 6 に合格した後、私は昨年フランス語を学ぶようになり、TCF で 463のスコアを獲得しました。私は現在、IELTSの準備をしています。essecで修士号を取得するためにgmatが必要な場合は、IELTSテストの後にテストを受けます。





  xxxx年x月下旬、中国からの私M留学生の一Tとして日本にやってきました。 xxxx年x月、xx大学大学院xx学xx科の研究生になりまして、同月、xxxx年大学院生募集のYを参加し、合格しました。

  とても嬉しいことですが、入学手Aき要Iをiんだ後、少し趸螭い莩证沥摔 なってしまいました。


  去年、XX大学で半年gの研究生をやりました。授I料は3、4万页潭趣胜韦恰⑹I料をo事にBいましたが、大学院のYに念に浃扦毪郡幛衰毳啸ぅ趣颏浃幛郡韦恰⑹I料以外の生活Mはほとんどが国のIHと在日H族からの援助金です。しかし、家庭事情の浠摔瑜盲啤长欷椁未 学院の学Mは家庭や人にmれなくなりました。

  母Hは3年前病荬扦工扦送寺になり、毪胜⒏赣Hもまもなく定年になります。主人は去年の12月中国で就したばかりので、毪戏浅¥说亭い扦埂って、今回大学院の授I料のBことはもうlにも口をあけることをしたくなく、自分の力でBるしかいと思います。これから自分の研究n}をMめながらできるだけ自分のI手で自分を支えたいです。でも、今の段Aお金がないのも事g、真に考えて工夫しければ なりません。

  入学のr、X学金についてのガイダンスを受けました。幸い、名古屋外国Z大学は留学生向けのX学金がOけされていて、私にとって、本当にありがたいことです。もし、これがS可されたら、大浃手辘摔胜辘蓼埂¥饯筏啤⑷毡兢o事に学Iと自分の将来に簸 果たせるよう念します。どうぞ、よろしくおいします。









  Dear x,

  I am an inflexible girl all along, if I make my decision, I will hold on it.In my high school, I decided to become an actuary, during the seven yearsperiod, I firmly hold on my decision and approach to my aim step by step.

  When I got the name of actuary from the newspaper, I felt that I found myforeordination. From my childhood, I was infatuated with mathematics and wassensitive to the digital, so I felt that the accurate calculation could arose myenthusiasm on self challenge, besides I has strong insight on the markettendency, strong analysis ability on the problem and I am responsible for theenterprises, only the accurate calculation can help me exert my ability and mycharacter. So I chose x University as my early decision to learn the accuratecalculation which is the best major in x University.

  In my undergraduate, besides of the courses, I often browsed SOA, CAS web andgot information on the latest accurate calculation tendency and these newtechnology ways. Such as enterprise risk management and the new development ofdynamical financial analysis, and I also wrote a paper under the guidance of xxprofessor. Especially, when I prepared for the exam F& P, I strengthened mybasic knowledge on the accurate calculation and I not only grasped all kinds offormulas and concepts on the mathematics but also grasped the essence of theaccurate calculation and the balance of the cash. After, I took part incompiling the insurance actuary science written by professor xx, my task was totidied and sorted the knowledge , then wrote them with myself language whichmade me understand the accurate calculation knowledge better than before.

  During the learning process, I got new realization from the accuratecalculation, besides the knowledge, I need have management, communicationability and computer program ability, even though I must be familiar with thewhole economy environment. So that I have learned S-plus, VBA, SQL and electronform financial management and economy, etc. and applied these theories topractices. Then in my junior holiday, I entered into an investment consultingcompany to practice, I took charge of compiling the daily trade analysisconclusion according to the news, enterprises financial form to carrying on thecity analysis helping the stock trade activities. Until now, I took part in“College R&D outlay research statistics” presided by x professor and pre-surveys, on the basis of these investigations, I also compiled the stageresearch reports. During this process, I did deal with the data and analyzed thedata to exercise my ability on the computer applying and data digging.

  I spent my three undergraduate lives in learning and practicing, but I stillhope to continue my education in your esteemed university which has advancedtheory and better conditions for my study. Even though the front road is filledwith hardness, I will hold on until I realize my dream. Because I firmly believethat if I pay for my efforts, I will get a good result.

  Yours sincerely,


Dear xx,

  When in life can you truly say you enjoy what you do? Far too many timesyou hear people talking of ‘enduring’ their work, or ‘getting by’ in life, fartoo seldom do we actually hear of people savouring it, being enthused by it,enjoying it! This is what divides a good student from a passing student,actually enjoying what they do, and this is my aim not just for my studies butfor my working life as well, to find fulfilment in and actual relish my work –this may seem like a common aspiration, but so few ever achieve it!

  Both of my parents work and have always worked in the care industry, theyposses very select and specialised characteristics that allow them to be thebest at their jobs that they can be, so from an early age I have been seeped inan environment of complex psychology about mental ability, counselling andstigma, Their work and ways of thinking being imprinted into my socialisationfrom childhood. Please however don’t think for one moment that because of that Isee myself bound to a life of psychology, that I was raised in a shelteredenvironment manufactured into a psychology protégé by my parents. This for meIs, as much as it biologically can be, an individual choice. Based on my beliefsand experiences, judged by what I have been through in my life and whatInterests me.

  People are what interest me, what I cannot understand is when you find apsychology student that cannot stand people! For this reason I love doing groupwork, I love interacting with other people and I love completing tasks withthem, we were made to work in a pack, that is why we are social animals, weshould love being around other humans! One thing that is paramount isconfidence, not just the confidence to stand up in front of a room or hall ofpeople and give a presentation but the confidence in your own work and your ownability to do well, self belief.

  I would put such things here as: ‘hard working and vigilant’ but I believethat a passion and an enjoyment of your subject surmounts these things, andalmost makes it difficult to not be hard working and take a further interest inthe area you are looking at. Why sell yourself and each individual aspect of whoyou are if you can get across your natural enthusiasm and passion/drive forsomething which encompasses all those things and says so much about you as aperson than a check list of your individual skills and strengths.

  The whole reason why I chose to study this course, the whole reason whywere even here and the interrelationship between psychology and philosophy isanother thing that interest me greatly - I am intrigued by peoples beliefs,their morals and the rationale behind the things they do, that is one of themain reasons why I chose this course and this path in my life, to investigatewhat makes people different and I believe so far that what separates (and binds)people most is their philosophy. And so a look into the relationship between thescience of psychology and philosophy is a deep passion of mine.

  I however do not take the scientific side of psychology lightly at all, andfor the past year have been learning the ins and outs of the SPSS program andjust how important scientific enquiry, scientific reflection on your findingsand a scientific approach from the beginning are to the subject of psychology asa whole. I feel that I will be not only well versed but also ready to take onall aspects of psychology across the duration of the course and carry that onafter graduation also.

  Being passionate, self motivated and confident within yourself is somethingthat I believe to be one of the most important things not just for a student toposses but also for anyone to posses in life to get far and succeed andultimately, enjoy what they do.

  Yours sincerely,














万字论文 一键生成

输入题目 一键搞定毕业范文模板
AI原创 低重复率 附赠査重报告

一键生成 高质量 不重复





  Dear xx,

  “The world of computers is growing at an un-recordable rate everyday,computers are the most influential tools in our lives, they are our present andfuture. In my opinion nothing on the planet can measure the exponential growthand excitement in the computing industry, and industry which I want to be a partof, particularly Software Engineering. As long as computers are around, SoftwareEngineering will take place after all, people need to write and code theprograms like Microsoft Word, and code your games, they don’t just appear. Mygoal is to be part of a team who creates worthwhile, efficient and usefulsoftware for consumers. And the Engineering course if I work at it, which Iwill, will be the key to my success, my current computing A-Level course is agood first step for my goal.

  Other courses I am currently studying are Mathematics and Accountancy,Maths is also very important to my selected career, Maths is a universallanguage, it is used by everything, and is very involved with Computers. I enjoynumber work, so an obvious choice at A-Level was Accountancy although I findthis subject less challenging than others, its still interesting and fun, but itdoesn’t grip me like Computing and is not an immediate careerchoice.

  I am hard working and currently work at my local ASDA store, I am on theProvisions/Chilled section and am part of a big team, we each depend on eachother to meet deadlines, its quite a demanding job as you have to deal and betrained with customer services and complaints as we work on the shop floorduring open hours. I currently work a 16hour weekend for ASDA, which providesthe money I need for hobbies.

  My hobbies include football, going out to the cinema and the odd club orpub, shopping for myself and others, my PC, and the most expensive of all, mygirlfriend. I also like to swim, I find it quite relaxing and it is goodexercise. I also love to eat out, going out for meals with friends is unrivalledby almost any social gathering including clubs and pubs, I love sitting around atable talking and joking about with friends while drinking and eating, itssomething I try and do at least once a month. Friends are very important to meand I try to be the best friend I can.”

  Yours sincerely,



  Dear xx,

  The dynamics of Psychology affect our everyday life and behaviour,this iswhat me so interested in the subject. From an early age, I often wondered why weact as we do and what effects us as we grow up. I always had a strong interestas to why people were so different even though genetically, everyone is similar.I have thoroughly enjoyed the subject, especially conformity. It fascinates meas it portrays how strong peer pressure can be and I believe this is the mainsubject that deals with why we act the way we do. We conform everyday, offeringa wide knowledge on behaviour. I am enjoying studying how the body and mind workand why certain things affect certain people. I find it useful on a personalbasis as it can be used to explain many problems such as how illness isconnected to stress.

  For 9 years I have aspired to be a teacher. After studying psychology, I amcertain that is what I wish to do for the rest of my life. After a weeks workexperience at Mill Lodge primary school, I decided I did not want to teach suchyoung students, however, it made me certain that I want to pursue a career inteaching. My work experience increased my patience with children and gave me awide overview of types of students. For a year and a half I have worked inTesco, helping my patience and confidence, which was once lacking, has improved,showing a large expanse of people skills, with customers and staff members,giving me the experience of working as a team.

  Active participation in school life has also been rewarding. Whilst atLight Hall, I helped with projects run by the school. From February 20xxonwards, I was commended for supporting special needs pupils from Hazel OakSchool by helping with IT work. I assisted one teacher and one pupil in helpingthem create various IT projects. This boosted my enthusiasm to be a teacher.From a young age I played netball, playing for 7 years in total in the positionof goal keeper. In Year 11, I taught students in years 7-9 how to play to thebest of their abilities. However, I had to give up this hobby when startingcollege due to other commitments and desire to start extra courses. Regardless,I am determined to begin this hobby once again.

  I was part of the student council at Light Hall, additionally attendingmeetings with the head teacher and other senior staff. In year 11, the 'StudentVoice' was introduced where two students from each year, including myself, wereselected to speak to the school's board of governors. At college, I joined thestudent council again. In my first year, I was nominated as a member of my formto be in the student council and I was then asked to attend a 'faculty meeting'every so often with my head of faculty and other students. However, in my secondyear I am part of a small group of around 10 students in the year who are the'executive'. My role is Environmental Officer, something I am proud to berepresenting and passionate about as it is a problem which is being discussedglobally and I am happy to do my bit to help. At college and school Iparticipated in Open Evenings. I then proceeded to help on a 'Welcome to CollegeDay,' speaking to students about the benefits of taking Sign Language as part ofa Enrichment course and then advertised the student council whilst guiding newstudents.

  One of my main strengths is Sign Language. I began a course with CACDP inyear 12, sustaining a qualification of Level 1 in BSL. As a form of workexperience, I will be helping students this year with their Level 1 studies.Overall, I am a committed and reliable student with passion about education.Taster days at universities (Warwick, Oxford and Birmingham) made me certainthat university is the ideal environment for me to enhance my studies. I feelthis course will lead me to success. After Higher Education, I plan to studypsychology further and become a teacher of Psychology in colleges, hopefullygiving students the chance to share my keen interest in Psychology.

  Yours sincerely,


親愛な _









  Dear x,

  As a production factor, human resource also faces scarcity—in the technicalsense of economics—the way that other forms of resource face. Therefore, when anindividual makes a choice as a human factor, he or she has to take into accountof the opportunity cost to himself (or herself) in particular and to the societyas a whole within the general framework of his or her individual value. Myresolution to pursue an advanced program in the field of marketing is preciselyfounded on the guidelines provided by economics. My personal interest and amplepotential allow me to possess comparative advantage in pursuing marketing forreasons that I will state in the succeeding paragraphs, and I believe that mychoice is a rationalized choice in keeping with the rules of economics.

  My interest in marketing commenced with the learning of two importantcourses in my sophomore year—Marketing and Management. The first year of myundergraduate program at the Department of Accounting, Henan University, wasspent in overwhelming frustration because I was arbitrarily assigned to studyaccounting as my specialty, a subject in which I had little interest. However,in learning Marketing and Management, I discovered my real interest. Inretrospection, this interest of mine stemmed from my willingness to communicateand exchange with people, my desire to experience the collisions betweendifferent schools of thought, the interdisciplinary nature between those twosubjects, and the demands that they impose on a person’s creative thinking. The4P’s as advocated in marketing (price, place, promotion and product) arespecifically oriented toward market fluctuations and they require specialsensitivity in capturing market information, thorough understanding of theproblems involved, and the ability to solve problems by sound logical reasoning.The four aspects as represented by 4P’s constitute the fields in which I madeconscious efforts to develop and to improve my competence. While taking themarket course, I immersed myself in various western textbooks including theclassic work Marketing Management by Philip Kotlor. Meanwhile, I endeavored toassimilate useful knowledge from case studies, realizing the empirical nature ofthe subject. I had a habit of applying a multiplicity of perspectives fromdifferent frameworks of knowledge to bear on the same problem and for thisreason I once achieved the highest score in my department in an oralpresentation. My teacher of the Marketing course, who is also the chairman ofthe Marketing Department, believed that I was most suited to a career inmarketing. His remarks gave me tremendous encouragement and further reinforcedmy determination to seek an advanced education in this fascinating area.

  Marketing is an applied science that calls for constant practice based on amastery of its theories and principles in order to develop an awareness of howmarketing is actually conducted. During the summer vacation in the second year,having completed the marketing course, I participated in the promotion campaignon behalf of the Little Swan Home Appliances Products (Little Swan being thebrand name of China’s most famous producer of home appliances) at ZhengzhouDepartment Store in Henan Province. During the promotion campaign, we provideddetailed information to our prospective clients concerning the products andtheir post-sale services on one hand and submitted the feedback to theheadquarters on the other. This refreshing experience of directly facing clientsexcited me, making me all the more interested in various activities that couldincrease my practical knowledge of marketing. One of such activities was aproject my classmates and I contrived for developing a realistic understandingof the principles of Marketing Lens Model. According to this model, differentindividuals may experience major differences in their cognition of theirsurroundings due to differences in their education, backgrounds and personalexperiences, which lead to their development of their differential cognitivelenses. Our project team conducted an all-campus evaluation of the teachers’performance and of the soundness of the curriculum in the form of questionnairesand follow-up surveys. Based on the findings of our investigation, we submittedto the university authorities rationalization proposals concerning how toimprove of the quality of teaching and how education could be geared to thespecific needs of students. Positively commented upon, our proposals were mostlyadopted by the authorities. This successful experience made me understand thatsome concepts of marketing could be fruitfully applied to different walks oflife, not merely put into service for the profit-making organizations.

  My practical work experience in marketing started with my employment at theSales Department of Beijing Education & Cultural Communications Center uponmy graduation in the summer of 20xx. Over the past one year, I participated inplanning promotion campaigns for several sets of book series and in themanagement of media publicity. I was also responsible for designing theexhibitions for those book series. However, in performing my responsibilities, Ibecame dismayed by the reality. Theoretically speaking, marketingresponsibilities within a company should be specified and marketing personnelshould perform their duties according to specialized division of labor so thatthe efficiency can be optimized. Nevertheless, in actual operations, differentdivisions of labor among different departments tend to produce conflictedinterests and communication barriers, resulting in disruptions in work schedulesand in reduced efficiency. I came to realize that teamwork is still a majorproblem within Chinese context, especially in the field of marketing, that needsto be worked out. To materialize good concepts of marketing, optimum approachesmust be adopted that can meet the changing circumstances of the environment. Myheretofore work experience shows me that, although marketing has developed intoa comprehensive discipline that is both enlightening and capable of socialguidance over a century-long innovation and evolution, the idea of marketing asthe strategic presence of a given enterprise has not yet been established withinthe Chinese economic milieu. With the increased competition brought about byglobalization, especially with China’s accession to the WTO, the widely-acceptedconventional formula of “production + product + marketing” has been renderedobsolescent, unable to satisfy the needs of China’s present buyer’s market andthe necessity to maintain sustainable development after China’s WTO accession.In particular, faced with the challenges posed by the emergence of knowledgeeconomy, Chinese enterprises must revolutionize its conventional notions ofmarketing. Toward this objective, Chinese enterprises must top-level managementand marketing professionals who can formulate effective marketing strategies andestablish highly efficient marketing network. In this regard, prospectivemarketing professionals have a mission and a responsibility to perform. Apartfrom my interest and my potential, this factor constitutes the most directreason behind my current effort to apply for a Ph.D. program in marketing atyour prestigious university. It is my expectation that in my future degreeprogram I will be exposed to the most recent concepts and modes of thinking inmarketing which I can ultimately apply to the Chinese marketing practice.

  Although I did not major in marketing as an undergraduate, my professionaltraining in accounting can nevertheless be instrumental to my academic andcareer development in the future. The specialty of accounting also required meto receive basic training in economics and management, an education backgroundthat allowed me to evolve mental habits characteristic of economics andmanagement. In my undergraduate program, trainings in the development of mentalhabits were far more important than the mere acquisition of book knowledge andmy performance in work has also indicated that I excel my peers in logicalreasoning and in economics-specific mentality. My GPA is not absolutely high(but showing obvious ascendancy), which could be attributed to my initialdislike for accounting on one hand and to my extensive participation inextracurricular activities to satiate my special love for marketing practices.Those activities consumed a considerable amount of my time and energy that Icould otherwise have devoted to coursework. Nevertheless, I take great comfortin having developed my empirical knowledge of marketing by participating inthose activities.

  Successful marketing is the most crucial strategic arrangement in makingquality products available to prospective consumers. Having accumulatednecessary knowledge and experience, I have an implicit faith in myself as a mostcompetitive candidate for your Ph.D. program. In presenting myself for yourscrutiny, I am doing an important “marketing” of myself. I sincerely wish thatmy further exploration in the field of marketing could be made possible withthis very “marketing” of myself.

  Yours sincerely,















































  Dear x,

  I have always been interested in businesses and how they operate, as wellas being fascinated by other languages and cultural differences

  My passion for the subject increased when I chose business studies as partof my main education at school. In addition to the general subjects such asmathematics, literature, history it also included marketing, accounting andeconomics. Although these subjects are somewhat demanding, I find them extremelyinteresting. After secondary school I decided to continue my education at KazakhNational University founded by Al Farabi, it is one of the best and oldestuniversities in Central Asia, in the faculty of the International EconomicRelations. I believe that the degree I have obtained, is the best choice for me.I will be looking forward to learning about the international business world andI am relishing the thought of learning to integrate with people from differentcountries and cultures. The idea of learning to communicate with other peopleacross the world is something that has always appealed greatly to me

  My speciality that I have got after graduating from the Kazakh NationalState University is in the International Economic Relations

  I have studied financial management, macro- micro- economics, accounting,international currency-credit relations and other subjects. More profoundly Ihave studied international economic relations, international organisations,their function around the world and my diploma work "The analysis of economicaspects of Kazakhstan oil transportation abroad" was written on the basis of theresearch of the economics relations between Caspian countries: Russia,Azerbaizhan, Iran, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan

  Not all my work experience has been as a paid employee. Furthermore I beganto take part time jobs when I was at the University; I worked for differentfinancial institutions one of them was National Bank of Kazakhstan in the CreditDepartment as an Assistant of the Head Manager and in the Currency Department.My work in this Bank taught me to be self-organised, how to make analyses ofcredit rating and commentaries, function of the currency policy, which is one ofthe essential part of any bank's activities, and how to work out complexapproaches in settlement of different issues and tasks. After this time I havechanged my field of work and continued it in the Close Stock Company"KazTransOil" as an Accountant, which is analysing and developing the plan oftransportation oil into different countries

  Having important previous experience I have applied my knowledge and skillsat the position of an Assistant of Head Accountant in the Financial Department.The main goals of the Department - to provide necessary structure oftransportation for joining the main oil field with the processing factories andexport it abroad. My responsibility included calculating the budget of theCompany, making up balance sheet, and analysing a project plan. However Irealised that to work as a professional specialist in a business area for thebroader and deeper understanding finance, accounting and internationalenvironment are needed

  For me as a young specialist it is very important to try an opportunity tocontinue my education in the University that has proved itself as one of thebest among the other recognised universities focusing on business studies,promoting and facilitating research in such significant period when integrationis outgrowing to globalisation and countries becoming more dependent on eachother. I think that my interest in accounting and finance, educationalbackground and professional experience will open new perspectives for me if Iwill study at this University. Now I feel that I have potential for realisationmyself in the area of finance and my constant interest to this science, to studymore deeply this subject, ability to distinguish main economic trends willassist me to transmit my knowledge to other specialists.

  Yours sincerely,































Dear xx,

  My passion for psychology is deeply rooted in my interest in philosophy,epistemology and the understanding of human happiness. I sincerely believe inthe practical benefits of a life spent helping others, fully investing in thecultivation of empathy and compassion. With this end in mind I have alwayssought out challenging and rewarding opportunities to work with people and tostudy human relationships and problems.

  I have had a long history of psychology related work experiences. I wasfirst employed at the Salt Lake City International Airport assisting physicallyand mentally disabled passengers navigate the terminal. Although the spectrum ofmental illness I was exposed to at this job was small compared to a lot of mylater positions, the airport served as a magnifying glass for human diversityand opened my eyes to the world beyond my local culture. There are few places onearth where you can find so much ethnic, cultural, religious and ideologicaldiversity so densely packed into a single building.

  I was later employed as a Psychology, English and Math tutor for WeberState University working one on one with students by appointment. This joballowed for much more intimate, collaborative relationships and taught me a lotabout the process of learning. At this point I officially switched my major fromcivil engineering to psychology and my general interest in philosophy andepistemology began to focus through psychology.

  I then worked as a Lead Staff at several different residential assistedliving facilities for individuals with developmental disabilities. I workedclosely with clients on a daily basis, often spending nights at the homes onsleep or waking graves or working doubles taking clients to company events andactivities. This was not simply a job for me, but a subculture I was completelyimmersed in as many of my close friends worked for the same company and weserved the same population of developmentally delayed individuals in the Ogdenarea. After leaving this job I later participated in community service through acompany called enable that employed many of the clients I had worked withpreviously.

  Following avatar, I began employment as a Mental Health Worker on a youthsex offender unit at Benchmark Behavioral Health Hospital. I had the opportunityto sit in on group therapy sessions and to observe the peer interactionsthroughout the day. This was a very intense work environment, filled nearlydaily with extreme violence and verbal aggression. The turnover was incrediblyhigh at this job, and I learned to operate professionally in a high stressenvironment. I witnessed and was part of some powerful emotional experiences atthis job. I watched the adolescents grow into adults and deal with some veryserious issues stemming from dark and troubled pasts. It was when a youngpatient who seemed emotionally numb since his arrival opened up to me in thetimeout room, crying for over an hour about his regrets and frustrations that Idecided definitely that I wanted to pursue clinical psychology. I'll neverforget him saying, "It just feels good to tell someone you know, to talk aboutall this stuff, thanks for listening to me".

  I currently work as a Psychiatric Technician at the University of UtahState Hospital, as an Employment Counselor for the State of Utah, and as aresearch assistant at the University. As a Psychiatric Technician I see patientsat their most acute symptoms. Since it is a crisis ward, I have the opportunityto interact with patients when they are first admitted and have been throughvery recent psychological and/or physical trauma. Patients are often extremelydelusional and having homicidal and suicidal ideations. As a psychiatric tech Ihave seen first hand a wide variety of diagnosis and what those diagnosistranslate to in terms of actual personally observed behavior.

  I am also currently working with Dr. Diamond on a study looking at theformation and functioning of adolescent and adult attachment relationships, aswell as the different ways our attachment styles affect our closestrelationships over long periods of time. As a research assistant, the nature ofthe study is such that I am involved in a wide variety of experimentaltechniques. At the lab I have experience with video editing, dvd dubbing, dataentry, several forms of physiological equipment placement and data recording, aswell as many general computer and organizational tasks. I have had directexposure with participants in the study and seen first hand how theseparticipants' experiences in the lab translate to data.

  I am particularly interested in working with Dr. Strassberg as much of hiswork deals with human sexuality and my interest in this area is substantial.Having worked with sex offender youth I would love to be involved in anyresearch in the area of adolescent sexual disorders or dysfunction. I find Dr.Florsheim's research of interest as well particularly the Adolescent Developmentand Outreach program. Aside from my desire to work with troubled youth, my otherresearch interests are quite broad ranging from ACT therapy, cognitivebehavioral therapy, positive psychology, the psychology of faith and religion,effective parenting styles, cohabitation, and marriage.

  Throughout my life these experiences have allowed me to work closely withpeople, and many have allowed for and encouraged the development of therapeuticrelationships with patients or customers. This work experience has been veryvaluable in exposing me to real world scenarios where people are struggling tocope with mental and/or physical illness. Being involved directly and indirectlywith many different organizations that work to improve the lives of theseindividuals has helped me to gain a better more eclectic perspective on thetreatment of mental illness in our society. The knowledge I have gained from myschooling and my actual patient exposure work together to form a solidfoundation of practical and technical knowledge about clinical psychology andmental illness in general. Although my work could hardly be considered equitableto working as a licensed therapist, the experiences have done a lot in preparingme and priming my mind for more serious and involved study for psychology ingraduate school.

  Yours sincerely,



Dear _

  “Women aren’t suited for such hard subjects,” my friend Seung—woo told mewith a smug smile。 Seung—woo didn’t think that mathematics was a field forwomen。 Although he was my age and wasn’t tied down by most traditional beliefs,he believed that only men could be true mathematicians。 The majority of peoplein my country,South Korea,believe the gender stereotype that women areinherently inferior to men in mathematics。 I strongly disagree with thisoutdated notion。 Women are just as capable of outstanding mathematicalachievement as men,and I am determined to help disprove gender stereotypesthrough my example。

  Mathematics has always given me a deep sense of satisfaction。 Even inelementary school,I was attracted to the precision and logic inherent inmathematical formulas。 I devoured as much mathematical information as I could,collecting theorems of mathematicians such as Gauss and Euclid like otherstudents collected stamps。 I had the opportunity to test my skills and knowledgein high school,when I competed in several national math competitions,includingthe Korea Mathematical Olympiad。 My strong showing in these venues,along withmy top math grades and perfect math score on the Korean SAT,bolstered myconfidence in my abilities。 I was proud to prove to others that I was capable ofperforming at the highest levels。

  Despite my strong interest and achievement in mathematics,it has beendifficult for me to realize my potential due to the Korean educational system,which emphasizes cramming for tests instead of critical understanding。 Moresignificantly,Korean social biases against women in the fields of math andscience have discouraged me from pursuing my love of mathematics。 Thus,I wantto study in the United States,where I will be able follow my dream withoutthese constraints。 For about a year,I have taken English language courses at auniversity in Washington,D。C。,where I have gained a glimpse of Americanacademic life from the inside。 I am very impressed by American students’devotion to their studies and the system’s ability to support each student’sgoals。 I am therefore especially interested in attending Boston College,which,in addition to offering outstanding math and science courses,is renowned forits emphasis on cultivating students’ full development,or "cura personalis。" AtBoston College,I will be able to focus on my goal of becoming an excellentmathematician。

  I am determined to succeed,but I know that I must overcome many challenges。Sometimes,when I feel discouraged by the obstacles I face as a Korean woman inmathematics,I imagine what my life will be like ten years from now。 Armed witha Boston College degree,I will visit my old friend Seung—woo。 We will havecorresponded over the years,so he’ll already know about the many mathematicsarticles published in my name,and he will be well aware of the internationalacclaim they received。 I will savor the day when Seung—woo admits that I wascorrect in believing that I could succeed as a mathematician。 I will be proud toknow that partly due to my achievements,the door to increased opportunities forwomen in math and science has swung open a little bit wider.

  Yours sincerely


























































































  親愛な _、

  時間を割いて私の手紙を読んでいただけるととてもありがたいです。私は、中国のトップ 10大学の 1 つである _ の中国人学部生で、20年に卒業します。その後、フランスで修士号を取得して教育を続けたいと考えています。私は今_の部署にいます。

  私の主な関心は国際商取引で、essec がその分野のトップにいることに気付いたので、私は自分自身を奮い立たせて参入することにしました。あなたの「異文化間リレーションシップマーケティング」の研究、特に中国のビジネスに関する出版物も同様です。東南アジアとして、私は特に興味があります。そして、私のキャリアの中でヨーロッパと中国の間のビジネスを扱いたいと思っています。それが私があなたのテーマへのエントリーを求める理由です。

  大学時代、私はチーム環境で働くことに慣れていました。たとえば、私は学生自治会の事務次官を務め、大学では競技会と一緒に活動を組織し、計画しました。優秀な仕事のために、私は娯楽と体育活動のための奨学金を得ました。大学の英語テスト4 と 6 に合格した後、私は昨年フランス語を学ぶようになり、TCF で 463のスコアを獲得しました。私は現在、IELTSの準備をしています。essecで修士号を取得するためにgmatが必要な場合は、IELTSテストの後にテストを受けます。





  xxxx年x月下旬、中国からの私M留学生の一Tとして日本にやってきました。 xxxx年x月、xx大学大学院xx学xx科の研究生になりまして、同月、xxxx年大学院生募集のYを参加し、合格しました。

  とても嬉しいことですが、入学手Aき要Iをiんだ後、少し趸螭い莩证沥摔 なってしまいました。


  去年、XX大学で半年gの研究生をやりました。授I料は3、4万页潭趣胜韦恰⑹I料をo事にBいましたが、大学院のYに念に浃扦毪郡幛衰毳啸ぅ趣颏浃幛郡韦恰⑹I料以外の生活Mはほとんどが国のIHと在日H族からの援助金です。しかし、家庭事情の浠摔瑜盲啤长欷椁未 学院の学Mは家庭や人にmれなくなりました。

  母Hは3年前病荬扦工扦送寺になり、毪胜⒏赣Hもまもなく定年になります。主人は去年の12月中国で就したばかりので、毪戏浅¥说亭い扦埂って、今回大学院の授I料のBことはもうlにも口をあけることをしたくなく、自分の力でBるしかいと思います。これから自分の研究n}をMめながらできるだけ自分のI手で自分を支えたいです。でも、今の段Aお金がないのも事g、真に考えて工夫しければ なりません。

  入学のr、X学金についてのガイダンスを受けました。幸い、名古屋外国Z大学は留学生向けのX学金がOけされていて、私にとって、本当にありがたいことです。もし、これがS可されたら、大浃手辘摔胜辘蓼埂¥饯筏啤⑷毡兢o事に学Iと自分の将来に簸 果たせるよう念します。どうぞ、よろしくおいします。









  Dear x,

  I am an inflexible girl all along, if I make my decision, I will hold on it.In my high school, I decided to become an actuary, during the seven yearsperiod, I firmly hold on my decision and approach to my aim step by step.

  When I got the name of actuary from the newspaper, I felt that I found myforeordination. From my childhood, I was infatuated with mathematics and wassensitive to the digital, so I felt that the accurate calculation could arose myenthusiasm on self challenge, besides I has strong insight on the markettendency, strong analysis ability on the problem and I am responsible for theenterprises, only the accurate calculation can help me exert my ability and mycharacter. So I chose x University as my early decision to learn the accuratecalculation which is the best major in x University.

  In my undergraduate, besides of the courses, I often browsed SOA, CAS web andgot information on the latest accurate calculation tendency and these newtechnology ways. Such as enterprise risk management and the new development ofdynamical financial analysis, and I also wrote a paper under the guidance of xxprofessor. Especially, when I prepared for the exam F& P, I strengthened mybasic knowledge on the accurate calculation and I not only grasped all kinds offormulas and concepts on the mathematics but also grasped the essence of theaccurate calculation and the balance of the cash. After, I took part incompiling the insurance actuary science written by professor xx, my task was totidied and sorted the knowledge , then wrote them with myself language whichmade me understand the accurate calculation knowledge better than before.

  During the learning process, I got new realization from the accuratecalculation, besides the knowledge, I need have management, communicationability and computer program ability, even though I must be familiar with thewhole economy environment. So that I have learned S-plus, VBA, SQL and electronform financial management and economy, etc. and applied these theories topractices. Then in my junior holiday, I entered into an investment consultingcompany to practice, I took charge of compiling the daily trade analysisconclusion according to the news, enterprises financial form to carrying on thecity analysis helping the stock trade activities. Until now, I took part in“College R&D outlay research statistics” presided by x professor and pre-surveys, on the basis of these investigations, I also compiled the stageresearch reports. During this process, I did deal with the data and analyzed thedata to exercise my ability on the computer applying and data digging.

  I spent my three undergraduate lives in learning and practicing, but I stillhope to continue my education in your esteemed university which has advancedtheory and better conditions for my study. Even though the front road is filledwith hardness, I will hold on until I realize my dream. Because I firmly believethat if I pay for my efforts, I will get a good result.

  Yours sincerely,


Dear xx,

  When in life can you truly say you enjoy what you do? Far too many timesyou hear people talking of ‘enduring’ their work, or ‘getting by’ in life, fartoo seldom do we actually hear of people savouring it, being enthused by it,enjoying it! This is what divides a good student from a passing student,actually enjoying what they do, and this is my aim not just for my studies butfor my working life as well, to find fulfilment in and actual relish my work –this may seem like a common aspiration, but so few ever achieve it!

  Both of my parents work and have always worked in the care industry, theyposses very select and specialised characteristics that allow them to be thebest at their jobs that they can be, so from an early age I have been seeped inan environment of complex psychology about mental ability, counselling andstigma, Their work and ways of thinking being imprinted into my socialisationfrom childhood. Please however don’t think for one moment that because of that Isee myself bound to a life of psychology, that I was raised in a shelteredenvironment manufactured into a psychology protégé by my parents. This for meIs, as much as it biologically can be, an individual choice. Based on my beliefsand experiences, judged by what I have been through in my life and whatInterests me.

  People are what interest me, what I cannot understand is when you find apsychology student that cannot stand people! For this reason I love doing groupwork, I love interacting with other people and I love completing tasks withthem, we were made to work in a pack, that is why we are social animals, weshould love being around other humans! One thing that is paramount isconfidence, not just the confidence to stand up in front of a room or hall ofpeople and give a presentation but the confidence in your own work and your ownability to do well, self belief.

  I would put such things here as: ‘hard working and vigilant’ but I believethat a passion and an enjoyment of your subject surmounts these things, andalmost makes it difficult to not be hard working and take a further interest inthe area you are looking at. Why sell yourself and each individual aspect of whoyou are if you can get across your natural enthusiasm and passion/drive forsomething which encompasses all those things and says so much about you as aperson than a check list of your individual skills and strengths.

  The whole reason why I chose to study this course, the whole reason whywere even here and the interrelationship between psychology and philosophy isanother thing that interest me greatly - I am intrigued by peoples beliefs,their morals and the rationale behind the things they do, that is one of themain reasons why I chose this course and this path in my life, to investigatewhat makes people different and I believe so far that what separates (and binds)people most is their philosophy. And so a look into the relationship between thescience of psychology and philosophy is a deep passion of mine.

  I however do not take the scientific side of psychology lightly at all, andfor the past year have been learning the ins and outs of the SPSS program andjust how important scientific enquiry, scientific reflection on your findingsand a scientific approach from the beginning are to the subject of psychology asa whole. I feel that I will be not only well versed but also ready to take onall aspects of psychology across the duration of the course and carry that onafter graduation also.

  Being passionate, self motivated and confident within yourself is somethingthat I believe to be one of the most important things not just for a student toposses but also for anyone to posses in life to get far and succeed andultimately, enjoy what they do.

  Yours sincerely,
