
时间:2024-05-24 07:32:43 日记 我要投稿
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  Last Christmas, I went to Langfang by train to see my mother and met a kind uncle on the train.


  He was a conductor on the train, tall, with short, clean black hair. Although the eyes are very small, they look very magical.


  Because I didn't take carsickness medicine before I got on the train, I felt terrible after the train started. The careful conductor uncle knew that I was going out alone because he saw my uncomfortable appearance, so he told me that eating sugar could reduce my carsickness. I had a piece of sugar and felt much more comfortable. I don't know when I fell asleep in a daze. In the haze, I felt someone coming. It was the uncle who sent me the car sickness medicine.


  In the evening, I was watching the tourists playing poker when someone patted me on the shoulder and said, "here.". When I looked back, it was the conductor's uncle. I took the ham sausage in his hand and said softly, "thank you!" my uncle smiled friendly to me and walked away.


  Good uncle, you are the best memory of my trip!



  With the increase of age, middle school students will find that their body and psychology are quietly changing, which means that the students have ushered in the second peak of physiological development, the "psychological weaning period" of excitement, happiness, contradiction and confusion. ''


  Entering junior high school, we will find that teachers no longer take care of us as meticulous as primary school, and parents no longer give us unlimited love as primary school. The reason is that we take off childishness and grow up slowly.


  Strange environment, strange students, strange teachers, strange requirements, all tell us to adapt to the present life.


  When we grow up, we should not always ask our parents for too much. If parents don't play with mobile phones, don't make extreme actions to stimulate their parents. Life is only once. Learn to cherish it.


  Don't let the gray rule the heart, let the sun fill the heart.



  This morning, I played a little game of knowledge in the shop. After playing chess with my classmates, I was not allowed to back when the soldiers were only walking. The soldiers played chess with guns. Like the soldiers in command, the soldiers walked obliquely, like the flying fields, the horses jumped on the day, and the cars crashed.


  Every time I use a carriage, I win two sets of chess. I win the first day of horse jumping, and I win the second day when he is handsome and sent to my cart.


  do you mind being called a bad student? of course not. so far as i know, everybody intends to be (become) a model student.

  however,to be a model student is by no means an easy thing. first, he must do his best to obtain knowledge. a man without sufficient knowledge will not succeed. secondly, he must remember to improve his health. only a strong man can do great tasks. thirdly, he should receive moral education. if his conduct is not good, no one will consider making friends with him.





  The back balconies are in a mess and almost occupied by waste products. I will take them into a big solid bag one by one and prepare to go out.


  Carrying a heavy bag of "treasure" on his shoulder, he went from home to the scrap purchasing station.


  The boss counted and gave me more than three yuan.


  I'm glad. With this money, I can buy three greeting cards for the students who have a good relationship as Christmas presents.



  When I came home from school, I saw many pots of flowers and plants. I saw a pot of cactus with thorns. It was covered with countless thorns like needles. I thought to myself: This cactus is really like a timid hedgehog.


  I accidentally touched the cactus, and my finger was stabbed. It hurt so much! My mother rushed over and pulled out the thorn in my hand. I thought: I will never touch it again.


  4月17日 星期二 阴

  Tuesday, April 17, overcast


  In the morning, it was still very hot. I only wore one dress to go to school. In the second class, I suddenly changed my face. I felt very cold. Just then, my aunt sent me a dress. As soon as I put it on, I feel warm. I said to my aunt, "thank you, aunt."



  One day, the teacher asked us to stay and revise our homework, so we went home late.


  I didn't expect it to rain cats and dogs as soon as I got out of the school gate. I sighed and said, "it's not as good as the weather." I got drenched in water before I took a few steps. But at this time, it was sunny after the rain, and I went home happily.


  Back home, the rain is still falling.



  At seven o'clock in the morning, it's drizzling outside the window. It's really a disgusting weather. I walked out of the door slowly with my umbrella and took the bus to school.


  The air on the car is very stuffy, the floor is wet, people are crowded and everyone looks anxious. An old man fell down accidentally. I looked out of the window bored and thought that if I invented a high-tech raincoat, it would not rain on the road again, and passers-by would not fall because of the road slide



  ”Although I can't catch bass, I can catch big fish.


  Today, my mother and I went fishing on the farm. I used rice grains as bait to hang on the hook. I swung hard, and the buoy stood up. I waited for the fish to hook calmly. At this time, the buoy sank. I knew that the fish had hooked, and I was very happy. But I told myself not to worry. After a while, the buoy ran up again. I cried in my heart, and quickly closed the bar. A big fish jumped in front of me Jump around, one or two , I fished seven in a row. That's it. I came back with full load.


  Today, I'm so happy!



  On Wednesday, a sunny day, the school held a charity sale.


  In this way, students can buy books that are both cheap and favorite. I look around and sweat a lot. I really want to bring a bottle of water with me to relieve my thirst.


  Later, I finally bought my favorite book and a toy chicken. I thought that although I was so tired that I sweated a lot, I got the cheap and favorite book, which is still worth it.



  Today, I played games with a very good friend of mine. In the afternoon, my friend and I went to school to buy food. Unfortunately, both stores were not open. Hey, forget it. Go home, but I was so hungry. I wanted to buy instant noodles. As a result, I was caught. Alas, I wanted to be scolded again. I didn't buy it. I just bought it for my friends. If I didn't buy it, I would not play with me. If I bought it, I would be scolded. It's a different story.


  A miserable day.



  How time flies! Mother's Day is coming soon. Tomorrow is mother's day. I'm racking my brains to think about what I want to give my mother as a gift. Last year, I thought it was too creative. I drew an ugly picture at will, so I took a picture of my mother and sent it to a circle of friends. I felt a little embarrassed.

  这次 ,我一定要有创意。

  This time, I must be creative.

  我一大早,把剪刀、卡纸、胶水、画笔、画纸......一堆东西搬到桌子上,关上门,偷偷地开始做了起来,大概两个小时,妈妈应该马上起床了,我手忙脚乱,想:怎么办?我冷静下来,小心的做完那三个精美的大、中、小的盒子,并做了个爱心和一幅我十分仔细画的画,爱心上写着妈妈,节日快乐,爱你(づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭?~!我听到脚步声,妈妈过来了,我躲在门后,手里拿着盒子,妈妈打开门,发现桌子上的那些材料,转过头来,我走出来,双手捧着盒子,送给妈妈,妈妈看到那个精美的小盒子,迫不及待地打开了,见是个大盒子,妈妈再打开,是一个中盒子,妈妈再打开,是个小盒子,再打开,发现爱心和画,妈妈先拿起了画,马上拿出手机拍照,发到朋友圈,再拿起爱心,又放回了小盒子里,紧紧搂住,对我说:“谢谢,女儿,我也爱你。”

  In the early morning, I took scissors, cardboard, glue, Paintbrush, paper... A pile of things to the table, closed the door, and began to work secretly. About two hours later, my mother should get up at once. I was in a hurry, thinking: what should I do? I calmed down, carefully finished the three exquisite big, medium and small boxes, and made a love and a painting that I drew very carefully Painting, love on mother, happy holidays, love you (づづづづ╭?) The box, opened by mom, is a medium box, opened by mom, is a small box, opened again, found love and painting, mom first picked up the painting, immediately took out the mobile phone to take photos, sent it to the circle of friends, then picked up love, and put it back in the small box, tightly hugged me and said: "thank you, daughter, I love you too."


  This is just a small thing that can't be smaller. How many things have you done for us?


  今天是我最难受的一天了。今天我吐了7七次。还扎了3次针。早上的时候吐了两回。 每一次呕吐,吐的我很难受。吐出了三回胆汁。今天扎的针分别是两回小针一回输液。先是张的小针,然后又输液。输液的时候吐了两回。输完液的`时候又吐了一回。到下午的时候,又发了烧。又到徐楼卫生室打了一个小针。打完小针的时候我昏昏沉沉的。我到家,然后我就睡觉了,晚上的时候又吐了一回。每一次呕吐,吐的我很难受。吐出了三回胆汁。今天可以说是我最难熬的一天。

  Today is the worst day for me. I vomited seven times today. Three more stitches. I vomited twice in the morning. Every time I vomit, I feel sick. He vomited bile three times. Today's needles are two small needles and one infusion. First, Zhang's small needle, and then the infusion. I vomited twice during the infusion. I vomited again after the infusion. By the afternoon, there was another fever. I went to Xu Lou's health room for another injection. I was in a daze when I finished the injection. I got home, and then I went to bed and threw up again at night. Every time I vomit, I feel sick. He vomited bile three times. Today is the hardest day for me.



  At noon on Sunday, my uncle and I went to play in red stone park.


  We all need to play hoops, my uncle agreed.


  After a while, I got two geese of different colors, my brother got a big bottle of sea creature ball, and only my sister got a rubber Mantis nearby.


  In the afternoon, we are happy to go home!









