小学英语教案设计:My father is great

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小学英语教案设计:My father is great

  作为一位杰出的教职工,时常需要用到教案,编写教案有利于我们准确把握教材的重点与难点,进而选择恰当的教学方法。那么写教案需要注意哪些问题呢?以下是小编整理的小学英语教案设计:My father is great,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。

小学英语教案设计:My father is great


  1、能听懂、会说What’s his job? He’s a teacher.并能在真实语境中运用,语言准确、语调自然。

  2、能听、说、读、写单词teacher, driver, doctor, nurse, pupil.并能正确、熟练地运用于日常交际。


  4、能正确书写句子What’s his job? He’s a teacher.


  6、能独立完成Try to do 部分的读、写的汇报的任务。


  重点:掌握What is his job?句型,并做出He’s a …回答。





  一、Warm up


  T: Hello,boys and girls.

  Ss: Hello,Miss Wang.

  2、Free talk.

  T: Hello, everyone, How are you today?

  Ss:I’m fine, thank you.

  T: Are you happy today?


  3、Say a chant.

  T: I’m happy, too. Let’s say a chant,OK?

  Ss: OK.

  T: Look at the large screen and say a chant.


  二、New teaching

  T:You’re very good. Now let’s learn our new lesson.(贴课题) Read after me.

  Ss:Unit 5 My father is great.

  (一)、Listen and say

  1、T: Good, let’s play a guessing game, OK?(播放课件)


  T: Now, look carefully. Can you guess? Who’s he?


  T: Continue watching.

  S:Guess again.

  T: You’re very clever. He’s Mr. Tong. He’s my workmate. Listen, What’s his job? (播放课件)Look, can you read this word?

  Ss:Box , dog.

  T: Great, can you read this word?



  T: Look,What’s his job?Can you guess?(教学teacher,并板书单词与句型。)

  Ss:Write word.(师巡视)

  T:Well.Look this, who’s she? Guess.

  S1:She’s Miss Gao.

  T: What’s her job?

  S1:She’s a teacher.


  T:Good, I’m a teacher. You’re a pupil. You’re a pupil, too.Look this.(课件教学pupil并板书)

  Ss:Read and write this word on partner’s back.

  T: Who can say a sentence with pupil?

  S1: I’m a pupil./My brother is a pupil./He’s a …

  T: Well.讲解:询问职业用…(课件出示)

  同样利用课件学习 doctor, nurse, driver.并多种形式练习说与写。

  2、T:You’re good pupils. Now, look at these pictures.What the missing word? Can you say?(播放课件)

  Ss: Say.

  T: Great. Look! Who can read the changing word?(播放课件)


  T: Good, look at these pictures. Can you choose the right one?(播放课件)


  T: Clever! Look, can you say a sentence with one picture?(播放课件)

  S:He’s a …/She’s a …


  3、T:Good.Look, Who are they?(播放课件)

  Ss:They are Li Ming and Xiao Hui.

  T:You’re very clever. Now, what are they talking? Listen!



  T:What are you listening?


  T: Good, look and read after the tape.

  Ss:Look and read.

  T:Look this, what are they talking again?(同上)(播放课件)

  T: Wonderful. Open your books and turn to page 22. Read the dialogue two times, OK?

  Ss:OK. Read.

  T:OK. Stop here. Now look, what’s the missing word? Can you fill in ?

  S:Fill in the blanks.


  4、T:Great. Can you make up a dialogue? Practice and act out!

  Ss: Practice and act out!

  T:OK.Write dress on your partner’s back one time.(change)


  T:You’re very great.(Excellent!)


  (二)、Try to do.

  T: Look this.This is Henry,can you help him fill in the blanks?(播放课件)

  Ss:Think and say.

  T:Can you say like this?

  S1:Henry’s father is a …His mother is a …

  T: Excellent! Do it again.(同上)


  T:Very good! Look, what’s your ideal job? Can you tell me?(播放课件)



  T: Very well, I want to be a writer. Can you help me?

  Ss:Yes. Think and finish the composition.


  T:Thank for your help.I’m very happy. (播放课件)



  根据Listen and say的内容与同桌创编对话并表演。

  五、Blackboard design

  Unit5 My father is great.