
时间:2024-06-10 09:57:53 读书笔记 我要投稿
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  It tells the story of a person named Robinson who unfortunately wandered to a deserted island due to his love of exploration. With a tenacious will and firm belief, he overcame various unexpected difficulties on the island and had no place to live, cutting down trees on his own; Without food, he tried hunting, growing millet, taming goats, drying raisins on his own... He also saved the prisoners from the savages and became a loyal servant under his own cultivation. In our study life, we have been moving forward, the road is smooth, and even if there are some obstacles, it is still our parents who block us. In daily life, parents always believe that studying is the most important thing. They wash clothes and cook meals, and in order to save us time for studying, some simple household chores are also done by parents. Although learning is very important, it is more important to exercise independence, perseverance and resilience when encountering emergencies.

  After reading this text, I couldn"t help but think of what would happen if we were stranded on a deserted island? Can we quickly calm down and understand what kind of dilemma we are in on a deserted island, like Robinson Crusoe, amidst the perilous situation of calling "Tian Tian Bu Ying" and "Di Di Ling"? No, we won"t. We will panic, not consider the real situation, and have no ability to save ourselves. On a deserted island without food, will we hunt and try to farm on our own like Robinson Crusoe? No, we won"t. We will only pick up wild fruits and wait for death to come. Do we have the courage to stand up bravely like Robinson Crusoe when savages bite their own kind? No, we won"t. We will hide as far as possible at the fastest speed, praying for ourselves in fear and unease. We have to admit our cowardice and learn not to rely solely on the vast sea without any waves.

  What did a person rely on to live on a deserted island for twenty-eight years? Relying on the firm belief to survive, relying on the courage and wisdom to overcome difficulties. If we encounter difficulties in our learning and life, we must also learn from Robinson Crusoe"s spirit of overcoming difficulties!


  As the old saying goes, "In a book, there is a house of gold, and in a book, there is a beauty like a jade." Goethe also said, "Reading a good book is like talking to a noble person." Using a book as a friend can increase wisdom and cultivate character; Accompanying books often can cultivate morality and deepen thinking.

  I have a lot of books in my family, and it was they that helped me grow up. I read "How Steel is Tempered" by Soviet writer Ostrovsky as early as the third and fourth grades of elementary school. The protagonist Paul Kochagin"s indomitable spirit deeply moved me and made me strive for strength. I can"t forget how we spent the more than fifty days before the high school entrance examination. We were like a snail weighing a thousand pounds, but the encouragement and expectations of teachers and parents turned into a heavy mountain of test papers and homework pressing on us. It"s Paul, his spirit supports me!

  After entering junior high school, my temperament changed greatly, becoming irritable and sentimental. So, after every argument with my parents and little sister, naturally... how many times have I slept on a pillow soaked in tears; How many times have I dreamt back in the middle of the night feeling lonely and helpless... Later, when I read the good book "Education of Love", I cried again and deeply regretted what I had done before. I deeply understand that there is not only thick blood flowing between parents and children, but also the innate natural affection. I also experience the love between teachers and students, the love between father and son, and the friendship between friends. So, the previous irritability and sentimentality instantly dissipated. Love is in everyone"s heart, and it spreads throughout every corner of the world.

  I think the one thing that may have influenced my life is the American author"s "The Secret of Hill"s House". Perhaps it is not a famous book, but it is definitely a good book. For example, "What are the rules for distinguishing right from wrong?" The frog"s answer was concise and clear: "If what you do will harm someone, it is a bad thing." It teaches us to understand life, the value of ourselves and others. Happiness comes from helping each other in times of crisis, and in times of crisis, the first thing to think of should be truly valuable... Talents are truly valuable, and things are not. "This book is undoubtedly a great enlightenment for young people to embark on their journey of life.

  It is this book that teaches me knowledge, motivates me to progress, and accompanies my growth. Book, our forever friend!


  he Kite Runner "tells the story of Amir, a wealthy young master from Afghanistan in his youth. Although he had a brotherly relationship with his servant Hassan, he also had hierarchical and religious beliefs. Therefore, after Amir played tricks on Hassan, despite feeling guilty, he still received self defense and self forgiveness. But after a kite competition, Amir"s cowardice indirectly forced Hassan away, and soon after, he also went to the United States with his father to read a book. As an adult, he couldn"t forgive his betrayal of Hassan and set foot on his homeland again. But discovered a surprising lie. He explored little by little, and through countless hardships in Afghanistan during the war, he finally found Hassan"s son who had passed away and retrieved the kite he had once abandoned.

  This book deeply shocked me. The original Amir was cowardly, unable to protect or face his companions. Fortunately, he still regained his lost heart, but not every injury in life can be compensated for. Some kites are never found again. So Amir is lucky.

  This also reminds me of learning. When we encounter difficulties, sometimes we timidly stay away from them, and sometimes we steal others" methods to solve them. Isn"t a problem a good opportunity for us to exercise? The correct approach should be to overcome difficulties. Seize the opportunity for growth and seize the "kite" that is about to fly away.

  Upon closer examination, it seems that we are luckier than Amir. He and Hassan can no longer go back. His "kite" is incomplete, and behind this "kite", there are qualities of humanity, honesty, bravery, and kindness attached. It is a part of our personality. Only by not losing our "kites" can one truly be considered a "person" like the young Amir, whose cowardly behavior caused his "kites" to be lost. Even with desperate redemption later on, only the defeated "kite" can be obtained and lost, always more hurtful than never before. And the good deeds caused by sin are the greatest redemption.

  On that flying kite, there is control over human destiny. No matter what, why, we should firmly grasp it, even if we miss the blooming yesterday, don"t miss the present.










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